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A bible verse that I revisit over and over again is this one:
...casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you. (I Peter 5:7)And this one:
Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you... (Psalm 55:22)The word "cast" means to throw forcefully in a specified direction. In these two verses, we are given the simple instruction to throw all our anxieties and burdens off of our hearts and minds, into the direction of the Lord, who will then take them upon Himself. I wish this straightforward instruction was as simple to obey. Why do I hold onto things I cannnot control?
For example, I have four children in their twenties, each with their own set of predicaments, large and small. As their mother, I have a tendency to take on the dangerous attitude of ownership, making their problems, my problems. I then can add my husband's "stuff", as well as both of our aging parents, not to mention my own personal struggles. If I'm not careful, in a matter of only minutes, I've gathered in my arms stressful stones, burdensome bricks, and worrisome rocks. Oh how they weigh me down! In this condition, I'm not only useless to my kids, my husband, my parents, myself, but also to others in my path who may need a helping hand.Therefore, I must continue to develop and strengthen the healthy habit of casting. I must name each worry that I naturally accumulate, and then hurl it in the direction of the One who can not only catch it (He never misses), but also can do something about it (He's always productive). In His hands, each troublesome pebble has the opportunity to become a precious stone, but I must choose to let it go.
So friend, if you are holding a heap of havoc, start hurling it with hope. Throw it forcefully into the direction of your Savior. Your healthy habit of casting is His earnest heart's desire.
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation. (Psalm 68:19)
With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
Dear Lord,
There is no one wiser than you, no one stronger than you, no one more knowledgable than you, and no one with more understanding. Why then, would we turn elsewhere for help? Give us hearts that seek you first, O God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.