Holding onto Life

It’s only been a little over a month since the tragic Covenant shootings in Nashville, and it seems as if life has moved on for most of us

…but not for all of us.

Let’s keep our friends who are still suffering such great loss in our prayers. Life is forever changed for them.

As I’ve been praying over the parents, spouses, and loved ones in this tragedy, the Lord brought to my mind and resurfaced a poem I wrote in 2009 about another tragic loss of a young child. So, following the Lord’s lead, I went to my “writing cabinet” and dug it up.

It’s entitled “Holding onto Life”. I’m sharing it today as a reminder and a prayer.

For all those who have lost a loved one to a tragedy, hear Jesus whisper to your heart:“I’m holding you both.”

“Holding onto Life”

 O my

O, my God

O, my God, no!

A heart of sorrow, tears of pain-

This, my God, is more than a sting.

Where’s the victory? Where’s the hope?

No, no, no, I cannot cope.

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, Holding onto Christ…

He gently whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of sadness, tears remain,

An earthly loss for a heavenly gain-

And this is the story that You wrote?

Reassure my heart, You love “the most.”

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, Holding onto Christ…

He sweetly whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of aching, tears make stains,

Tears of anguish well up again-

I’m trusting, trusting—the Living Hope.

Holding onto life, holding onto life,

Holding onto Life, holding onto Christ…

He softly whispers, “I’m holding you both.”


A heart of longing, tears untamed,

Release, hold on, release again-

Remind me he's with you, singing:

“Holding onto Life! Holding onto Life!

Holding onto Life! Holding onto Christ!”

While I cling to your words, “I’m holding you both.”


O my

O, my God

O my God, help me say… "Yes."


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Friday, May 5, 2023
By Chris Baxter

There is Freedom

All things were created by Him and for Him  (Col. 2:!6)

There is freedom in the outstretched wings of an eagle.

There is freedom in the stars and the stripes;

There is freedom in one nation under God's guidance;

There is freedom forever in Christ.         

There is freedom in the downpour of rain on the earth;

There is freedom in the ocean wave’s rolling ride;

There is freedom in a river flowing forever onward;

There is freedom forever in Christ.

There is freedom in the blossom of spring’s first flower;

There is freedom in the butterfly’s flitty flight;

There is freedom in the song of the sweet red birds;

There is freedom forever in Christ.  


There is freedom in the first steps out of a dungeon;

There is freedom in allowing a caged bird to fly;

There is freedom when any stronghold is broken,

There is freedom forever in Christ.

There is freedom in the all-out race of an athlete;

There is freedom in the dancer’s twirl of graceful might;

There is freedom in performing any God –given talent;

There is freedom forever in Christ.

There is freedom in bellowing out a favorite love song;

There is freedom in one long blubbering cry;

There is freedom in gut-wrenching, knee-slapping laughter with a friend;

There is freedom forever in Christ.

There is freedom in a hammock beneath a thriving shade tree;

There is freedom in a screen porch with a chair, rocking, inside;

There is freedom in a lazy, old, painted bench swing;

There is freedom forever in Christ.

There is freedom in a newborn’s first plea for a start on this earth;

There is freedom in finding God’s call for one's life;

There is freedom in a believer’s last breath that he takes;

There is freedom forever in Christ.

Chris Baxter

September 2001

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Thursday, September 12, 2013
By Chris Baxter

Building a Home with Prayer

Foundation of Love

May every floorboard of every room be founded on the love of Jesus Christ;

in Him alone we will not be shaken.

Walls of Joy

May the joyful and contagious laughter of the abundant life of Christ ring

throughout the walls of our home.

Ceilings of Peace

May You seal each room, dear Father, with Your sweet blanket of peace,

and may Your protective hand rest on our rooftop.

Hallways and Stairways of Patience

Please give me Your patience with each child as they pass through

each of the stages and phases of growth. Also, please fill my children's hearts with

genuine patience towards one another as they walk life together.

Windows of Kindness and Doorways of Goodness

May all who look into this home be enthralled by Your warming light;

and when these welcomed guests enter in, may the feel surrounded by

the goodness of Your love.

Playrooms and Schoolrooms of Gentleness

May Your tender touch abound in the hearts of my children as the play, learn,

and live together. And dear Father, may I lead gently--the way You so

gently lead me.

Bedrooms of Faithfulness

Please bless our marriage with a beautiful love for one another--the kind

You planned from the beginning. And may my children's bedrooms never be

a place of secrecy; rather, a sanctuary, filled with quiet times with

their faithful Redeemer.

Kitchen of Self-control

May You be the King of the kitchen, not me.

And as we gather around our table, may we feast on Your abundant

grace and love.


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Friday, October 16, 2009
By Chris Baxter

Daily Prayer

How long will the Lord reign?

The Lord will reign forever and ever. Exodus 15:18

Dear Lord,

When we get overwhelmed with the decisions of the day, remind us of your supreme power and constant care. May we find comfort in the truth that you reign, today, tomorrow and forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.