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O, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable are His ways!
Romans 11: 33
Dear King Eternal,
I pray that my children will be continually awed by the depth of Your wisdom and knowledge, as well as humbled by Your incomprehensible judgments and Your wonderful ways.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31
Dear Lord,
Thank you that we can get a visual of what "goodness" looks like in its purest sense when we look at the things you've created. May we marvel at the blue sky, the green hills, the purple mountains, the orange sunsets, the golden fields, the white beaches, the indigo oceans; and then, may we pause to revere you as the Creator of all the goodness that surrounds us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.