Blog Categories
Picture: House (foundation)
Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:3-4; John 14:6; Matthew 7:24-27; 1 Corinthians 3:11
Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:
Take a minute to think about the concrete foundation that is laid before the building of any home. Much like this firm foundation (and more so!), God never changes or shifts. He is the unshakeable Rock. Jesus Christ laid down His life so that we can build our house on His eternal truths. The more we know Him through His word, the more we understand the security of our foundation.
Are you building your life on His rock or sinking sand? Explain.
Write out a few biblical truths that you want to build firmly upon so that you know your “house will not fall”.
Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference.
Picture: House (Builder/Architect)
Scripture: Psalm 127:1; 1 Chronicles 28:11-12, 19; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 3:1-6; 11:8-10
Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:
Close your eyes and visualize the detailed architectural plans of a residential home. Much like these plans, God has laid out every detail of our lives, start to finish. Just as God spoke to King David in regards to the physical temple that was to be built, He speaks to us through His word concerning our daily plans.
Do you consider your Builder trustworthy or do you have plans of your own? Explain.
What are some specific life plans that God has revealed to you as you have trusted in His word?
Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference:
Picture: House (Rebuilder/ Restorer)
Scripture: Isaiah 57:14-15; Isaiah 58:12; Isaiah 61:4; Jeremiah 31:3-4; Ezekiel 36:33-36
Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:
Visualize for a minute a house either being built or remolded. With this picture in mind, a message of hope comes to us. Not only do we have a Builder, we also have a Rebuilder. Sometimes the chaos of sin or circumstance enters and reeks havoc in our lives; BUT, no mess is too big for our Savior. He can redeem anything, causing all things to be even more beautiful than before.
Is there something that God has placed on your heart “to build” that is based on His foundational truths?
Is there a time in your life that you have experienced “beauty from ashes” due to God’s redeeming love? Explain.
Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference.
Picture: House (living with lights on!)
Scripture: Psalm 36:8-9; Psalm 40:8-10; Matthew 5:14-16; 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:
Envision a house on a hilltop at night with all the lights on and many people visiting inside. Much like this picture, our faith in God is not only a strong refuge for us, but it is also a place for others to draw near so they can experience the light and love of Christ in the things we say and do.
What are reasons that might keep you from shining your light for Him (ex. busyness, fear, discomfort…)?
Who are some people in your daily life in which you want to shine your light for the Lord? Name them and write practical ways in which you can do so.
Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference.
Picture: House (cornerstone to completion)
Scripture: Isaiah 28:16; Isaiah 54:11-14; 1 Corinthians 3:11-16; 1 Peter 2:4-5
Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:
Synonyms for the word “cornerstone” are: centerpiece, mainspring, core, heart. Cornerstone is the main stone that holds the two joining walls of the house together. From this secure place the house is built, brick by brick. Likewise, our spiritual cornerstone is Christ, in which all things stem from Him as we build our lives.
What are practical ways in which you can keep Jesus as the centerpiece of your daily life?
What are some hallmark “bricks” that have been laid in your life, recently or in the past, in
relation to decisions made based on God’s word?
Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference.
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day..." Exodus 16:4
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your provision in more ways than we can count. You give and keep giving. Great is your faithfulness! In Jesus' Name, Amen.