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I am in the midst of writing more devotional prayers beginning with "God, You are...". Yesterday morning, I came across a bible verse that referred to God as holding my hand. Wow, think of that--BIG GOD and little me walking through life together! In the same way I held my children's hands when they were toddlers, He holds mine. He cares, He protects, He lifts up, He guides:
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8
God, You are my Hand-Holder. When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him? And yet, it is by this same powerful hand that Youlead me beside quiet waters. You even say that my name is engraved upon Your palm. How intimate is Your tender loving care for me, O God of the Universe! I hear You proclaiming to me, "I have chosen you and not rejected you. Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. And You also say, "I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do, and I will not leave them undone." Thank You for these promises that will not fail. Put my hand in Yours and hold it tight, so that even when I fall I will not be hurled headlong. Your care is complete; Your touch is sweet. Yes, I will put my hand in Yours and walk with You forever.
Psalm 8:3-4; Psalm 23:2; Isaiah 49:16; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 42:16; Psalm 37:24
Below is another devotional prayer written for the purpose of directing hearts to worship the name of the Lord. Other prayers (all beginning with "God, You are") can be found on my website,, under the three titles: latest devotional prayers, orThe Heartbeat of God, or The Heritage of God.
Pray with me:
My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9
O God, You are Sufficient. Like manna in the morning, Your word gives me exactly what I need. It's there for the taking. Likewise,Your word fills my cup each day, and every day. It's there for the drinking. Yes, thank You for pouring Your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit who has been given to me. I don't deserve this ample love! God, please forgive me when I don't eat from Your manna of mercy or drink from Your cup of confidence. Instead, I choose to feast on the past and become bitter, or I drink in the future and become anxious. These unhealthy habits only rob me of theYourgrace that is sufficientfor me today. Dear Lord, help me to obey You andnot ponder on things of the past, norworry about tomorrow. Fill me up with You today--Your peace, Your strength, Your wisdom. You are more than capable to manage my present. Walk with me in my current weakness, so that I may be completely reliant on Your eternal power. For my heart knows, my sufficiency is from You.
Ex. 16:16-18, Rom. 5:5, II Cor. 12:9, Is. 43:18, Matt. 6:34, II Cor. 3:5
This year I have the privilege of studying the book of Acts with a group of women at my church. One of the main themes of Acts concerns the Holy Spirit. As I read the book in its entirety in order to get my mind wrapped around where we were headed in our study, I noticed that two words words were repeated when the Holy Spirit was mentioned: grace and power. What two incredible gifts we possess as believers when we are filled with the Holy Spirit!
GRACE. Why would the Holy Spirit choose to indwell the biblical characters found in Acts? Think of the disciples--they all scattered on the night Jesus was arrested. And then there's Saul; he was ravaging the church, persecuting all Christ followers. But God chose these men in spite of their fears and misguided passions. Why does He choose to indwell you and me? The answer can only beGRACE.
POWER. What happens when, by faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells believers? Amazing things. Read Acts. His power pours in us, transforms us, and then is meant to pour out of us. Because God resides in us, we have the power to heal broken hearts with His kindness, provide salvation to the lost with His truth, and build one another up with His love. His Spirit brings life alteringPOWER.
And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. Acts 4:33
Stephen, (full of the Spirit and wisdom), full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people...they (the unbelieving Jews) were unable to stand up against the wisdom and Spirit by whom he spoke. Acts 6:8, 10
Let each of us be encouraged that we are not alone. The Spirit that lived in the apostles, is the same Spirit that lives in us today. If the Lord has called you to do something, praise Him for the amazing grace He has poured out on you...He chose you, in spite of you. And then take confidence in the fact that He will give you the power to fulfill His calling.
For this man (Saul) is My chosen instrument to carry My name before Gentiles, kings, and the sons of Israel. Acts 9:15
Praise Him for His grace, obey Him with His power.
I recently returned from Sharptop Cove which is a Young Life camp in Jasper, Georgia. My daughter Maggie is currently working there as a nurse over the summer months. Last week, my husband Mac was able to be the camp doctor, so it was a sweet thing to see the two of them serving side by side.Another sweetness to the week was watching the ministry of Young Life in action from start to finish. The heartbeat of this ministry is to reach high school students-- particularly the kids who are living through all kinds of brokeness--broken homes, broken hearts, broken lives. Local Young Life leaders reach out to these kids all year long in the lunch room, at football games, after school, in their world. Then these faithful leaders recruit these students to sign up for summer camp, promising them the best week of their life. Each are desperate for real love, but are searching for it in the world's "mirky mud puddles", not knowing or not believing that they can drink from the living water of Jesus Christ. Can He really offer something better?And so the buses arrive at camp, hundreds and hundreds of teenagers unload, and as the week progresses in Young Life style, the gospel unfolds...hearts are won...and angels rejoice.The beautiful thing about this ministry is that the ones (YL leaders, staff, and volunteers) that are pursuing these kids were once, not too long ago, sitting in the exact same place as these campers. They too were wallowing in their brokeness; but then, the message of the gospel changed everything on the inside. Jesus redeemed their hearts in the midst of their mess, giving hope to what seemed like a hopeless unfixable life.And now, drinking from living water, these redeemed people are redeeming people.A wonderful truth: God can do great things through the faith filled heart, no matter how young or old their walk with the Lord may be.For example, look at scripture: the woman at the well, after encountering Jesus, immediately ran back to her city and manybelieved in Him because of her testimony (John 4:14). And then there's Zacchaeus the tax-collector, after sitting with Jesus, declared instantly that he would make restoration with all those he cheated on financially (from Luke 19). The disciples, likewise, were all a mess, but as soon as they were filled with His Spirit, they became His witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). They didn't wait years to figure it all out; and God didn't wait years to use them. The Good News was too good to keep to themselves!I ask you to join in with the sweet story of redeemed people redeeming people. If you only know one bible verse or truth about God's character, share it with someone who is hurting today. It's His Spirit in you that does the marvelous work, not your fancy words or well organized persuasion. When we share our hope, we grow in our faith.On the last early morning of camp, I was sitting on my porch, enjoying the peaceful setting of the Georgia mountainside. And then, through the mist, along came close to a hundred teenagers walking quietly down the path. They were taking their "new believer's walk", with their leaders by their side; yes, they each decided, Jesus could offer something better. I sat in joyful silence and took it all in.Thank you, Young Life leaders for your faithful pursuing love concerning these kids. You are an inspiration to me. I am praying for you as you are now back home, involved in their broken lives; yet now on the inside, they (and you) are not without Hope. Your Redeemer, Jesus, lives.Get yourself up on a high mountain, O Zion, bearer of good news, lift up your voice mightily, O Jerusalem, bearer of good news; lift it up, do not fear. Say to the cities of Judah, "Here is your God!" Isaiah 40:9
This past week I had the opportunity to share part of my testimony with a couple of young friends. I was indirectly asked, "How did you come to know the Lord?" and "How have you grown in your walk with Him?".I explained that although I have been a Christian as long as I can remember, God used His word and His ways to chase me down with His love in a deeper way in my mid-twenties. At that time I was wrestling with a lot of things that kept me disgruntled and discontent: my husband was an orthopedic resident pushing hours that are now no longer legal in the medical world; I had two toddlers, but also experienced two miscarriages; we had no money; and personally, I was dealing with a shattered dream of the recent past, and another rock-my-world present trial. Quite frankly, I was depressed, and the "woe is me" mentality ruled my life.But somewhere during that time God sent a faithful friend along my path; after my friend had walked life with me for a while and quietly listened to my woes, she then tenderly spoke timely words that penetrated my wounded heart. She simply said, "Chris, do you know that you can choose joy?". My initial reaction was, "Are you kidding me? Do you not see all this calamity going on in and around me! I deserve to be unhappy!" (skewed thinking!). But in my soul, I knew that she spoke truth. I am thankful to say that these words were the beginning of a life changing perspective for me; now over two decades later, no matter the circumstance, I remind myself, "Chris, you can choose joy". Over the years of putting this not-so-easy decision into practice, I've learned how to get-to-joy faster.The first thing is not to complain or grumble. If I'm in the midst of a trial, it's not a surprise to God; it is actually in this selected place that He has called me so that I can depend on Him in a deeper way. He will show up. But I must choose not to quench His spirit with my disgruntled or disbelieving heart. Having this attitude kills joy. God tells me to do all things without grumbling or disputing (Phil. 2:14). The second thing is to be thankful. Replace the "Woe is me!" with "Wow is the Lord!". Sometimes I just say thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, over and over and over again, just so I won't focus on my seemingly negative situation. Thank Him for whatever comes to mind concerning who He is (merciful, compassionate, powerful, good, wise…) and you will be busy all day long with thankfulness growing in your heart. Having this attitude births joy. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness by night (Psalm 92:1).I am forever grateful for my friend of the past that challenged me to choose joy. And I am praying that my young friends will likewise, choose joy today--not sadness, nor even happiness, but the joy that is found only in Christ. It's a decision that requires determination and perseverance through His abiding spirit. Jesus is joy. Choose Him.Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10
There are two kinds of people when it comes to analyzing Disney World: those who embrace it wholeheartedly (playful people), and those who reject it emphatically (purposeful people). I belong to the latter group. Reading a book from cover to cover is about as fun as I get. Let’s face it, purposeful people need playful people.
Needless to say, when my 17 year old daughter Emmy and I were invited to Disney World by my 18 year old niece Tyler, and my sister-in-lawTonya to celebrate Tyler’s high school graduation, I was a bit taken aback. But then, of course, love took over, and I was committed (sorta).
Tonya organized the trip with a 4-day park hopper, which included colorful magic wristbands to keep things moving, along with a dreamy hotel. We even rode the Magical Express from the Orlando airport. While on the bus going to the hotel, I prayed, please Lord help me embrace this adventure. Make me a playful person.
Well the Lord heard, and He answered. The four of us conquered Disney with happy ferver. With my Cinderella crown adorning my head, I rode just about every ride–fast, slow, high, low, and everything in between. I had one near-panic-attack after another. We screamed, we laughed. Well, maybe I screamed, they laughed, but it was awesome– face painting, funnel cakes, fast passes, and fireworks. We ended the trip with nighttime dancing in downtown Disney. Togetherness, with the purpose of being playful, it’s good for the soul.
Wow, this could turn into an advertisement for Disney if I’m not careful! From rejector to embracer. Hooray for Magic Kingdom!
But more than a shout out for Disney, I want to make two quick purposeful observations:
1. There is another Kingdom that exists. Believe it or not, it’s even greater than Walt Disney’s! This Kingdom begins now by faith, but also speaks of a future where there will be no pain and no tears, there will be fullness joy and abundant peace, and it will be both radiant and spectacular. When Jesus came from heaven to earth, He said, The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! (Mark 1:15). Interestingly, there will be two kinds of people when it comes to this Kingdom as well: those who embrace and those who reject. Tell me, why can we, the world, so quickly embrace an animated mouse named Mickey and all he offers, but then turn riduculing away from a King that promises us the real truth: that all those who believe in Him will live happily ever after? Read all about it in His Word! It’s more than magical; it’s majestic.
2. I’ll end this post where I started. Purposeful people need playful people. So all you who consider reading a book as a thrilling experience, put your book down and go find a zippity-do-da friend. Step into their world, let your hair down, be free. Maybe even book a trip to Disney…
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? ...Gold and glass cannot equal it, nor can it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; the price of wisdom is above pearls. Job 28:12,17-18
Dear Lord,
Help us to live by this truth: Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding (Job 28:28). Cause us to crave you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.