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There are two kinds of people when it comes to analyzing Disney World: those who embrace it wholeheartedly (playful people), and those who reject it emphatically (purposeful people). I belong to the latter group. Reading a book from cover to cover is about as fun as I get. Let’s face it, purposeful people need playful people.
Needless to say, when my 17 year old daughter Emmy and I were invited to Disney World by my 18 year old niece Tyler, and my sister-in-lawTonya to celebrate Tyler’s high school graduation, I was a bit taken aback. But then, of course, love took over, and I was committed (sorta).
Tonya organized the trip with a 4-day park hopper, which included colorful magic wristbands to keep things moving, along with a dreamy hotel. We even rode the Magical Express from the Orlando airport. While on the bus going to the hotel, I prayed, please Lord help me embrace this adventure. Make me a playful person.
Well the Lord heard, and He answered. The four of us conquered Disney with happy ferver. With my Cinderella crown adorning my head, I rode just about every ride–fast, slow, high, low, and everything in between. I had one near-panic-attack after another. We screamed, we laughed. Well, maybe I screamed, they laughed, but it was awesome– face painting, funnel cakes, fast passes, and fireworks. We ended the trip with nighttime dancing in downtown Disney. Togetherness, with the purpose of being playful, it’s good for the soul.
Wow, this could turn into an advertisement for Disney if I’m not careful! From rejector to embracer. Hooray for Magic Kingdom!
But more than a shout out for Disney, I want to make two quick purposeful observations:
1. There is another Kingdom that exists. Believe it or not, it’s even greater than Walt Disney’s! This Kingdom begins now by faith, but also speaks of a future where there will be no pain and no tears, there will be fullness joy and abundant peace, and it will be both radiant and spectacular. When Jesus came from heaven to earth, He said, The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! (Mark 1:15). Interestingly, there will be two kinds of people when it comes to this Kingdom as well: those who embrace and those who reject. Tell me, why can we, the world, so quickly embrace an animated mouse named Mickey and all he offers, but then turn riduculing away from a King that promises us the real truth: that all those who believe in Him will live happily ever after? Read all about it in His Word! It’s more than magical; it’s majestic.
2. I’ll end this post where I started. Purposeful people need playful people. So all you who consider reading a book as a thrilling experience, put your book down and go find a zippity-do-da friend. Step into their world, let your hair down, be free. Maybe even book a trip to Disney…
Many years ago, I bought some daylily bulbs from a friend of a dear friend. I picked a special place in my backyard near a stone wall to plant them; and then, I waited. The first bloom was a huge celebratory moment for me (I do NOT have a green thumb in the least, so anything that grows in my yard is a minor miracle). Now, every summer I look forward to the re-birthing of these radiant flowers.
What's crazy to me is that this flower's bloom only lasts one day, hence the name day-lily. It's as if this particular plant embraces this fact however, and puts a hundred percent of its beauty into the time it has been allotted. These brick red, butter yellow, and melon orange blossoms splay themselves open unashamedly, shouting "Beautiful!" and "Majestic!" and "Glory!" in the designated place that they have been planted.Scripture uses the blossoming flower as an anology to teach us:
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." I Peter 1:23-25
So, when studying the temporal flower alongside the above scripture, a wise, yet convicting question can be, What am I doing with my days? Am I shouting "Beautiful", and "Majestic", and "Glory" in my designated place?
Be challanged by the Creator of both the fleeting flower and your seeking soul. Take in His word, the imperishableseed, and choose to hear it, and heed it. And then, without fail, you will not only be livingin this worldradiantly, but also at some point,leavingthis world triumphantly, having impacted it for eternity. And this my friend, is a majormiracle.
Teach us to number our days, that we may enter the heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12
Yesterday, I tied up our maturing tomato plants to their stakes so they would grow upward instead of dragging the ground. As I tied the vines over and over again, the Lord formulated questions to my heart:
Do you have a stake in the ground concerning Me? Who do you say that I AM?
And are you tied closely to Me? Growing, maturing, and bearing fruit?
When it comes to knowing and understanding the Lord, it is important that our stakes in the ground are deeply and securely planted. Otherwise, the first heavy rain or gust of wind will cause our faith to wobble and then weaken. We are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ (Eph 4:14-15).
Three non-negotiable-truths that I have deeply rooted in my heart are these:
God is good. God is love. God knows best. No wind, no storm, no scorching heat, nothing, will affect these hallmark beliefs that have developed in my heart over time. Interestingly, the presence of trials, not their absence, is what precipitated the strong hold I have on these core truths.
Putting your stake in the ground about who God is comes through gleaning from His word, not the world's view of God. Then abiding in His word causes usto grow, mature, and bear fruit. All along the way, we must be tied closely to Him--we need Him to hold us up. We cannot dothis Christian life without Christ! How odd to think that we can, yet so often we inantely do. We go days (weeks, months) without reading His word; as a result, our bonds to His truths become untied, and we droop to the ground.
Christ follower, I urge you, choose to be tied closely to Him for your good and His glory!
Only be very careful to observe the commandment…to love the Lord your God and walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Joshua 22:5
When I found him whom my soul loves; I held on to him and would not let him go… (Song of Sol. 3:4)
As I finished my little project in the garden, I said a big prayer to God in Heaven: Dear Lord, You are good. You are love. You know best. Please, with Your gentle cords of strength and power, I ask You to tie me to Your Stake. Amen
On Saturday, I watched my "little boy" graduate from Ravenwood High School. Simply because his last name starts with "B", he was in charge of leading one side of the processional entry in the graduation ceremony. The moment I saw this 6'2" son of mine walking down the aisle as the graduation music played, dressed in his red robe and red hat, with the hundreds of other students in tow, I caught my breath. Up until this point, only my mind had accepted this milestone of his, but now my heart was involved.As I sat through the different graduation speeches, there was a gentle whispering in my soul: remember who you are. This phrase took me back in time because I have spoken it to each of my kids over the years, especially when they leave one familiar place and walk into another. The culture, the media, and their peers persistently shout to each of them, telling them who they are "supposed to be"; but they too, must choose to be still and listen to the whispering truth that resides within their soul.When my older son Bink entered high school (he is now 21), I wrote words to define the phrase remember who you are; nothing fundamentally has changed over the passing years, except that my stake in the ground has been steadfastly pounded more firmly and more deeply. These words are for you as well, my fellow believer:
I am what the world calls a "Jesus freak," but what I call "saved by grace."I am living for the One who died for me.
I salt the earth with His kindness; I light the world with His love.
I choose to walk by faith and not by sight, and to dance to the beat of a different drum.
I am the one who has Power beyond my own strength, Peace beyond my own understanding, and Purpose beyond my own ambitions.
I am the one who answers to the Commander of the Universe; and yet, I am also calmed by His Spirit that lives in me.
Because of Christ Jesus, I am living Life to the fullest--yesterday, today, and FOREVER.
I am changed; I am more than I am.I am a vessel that holds a treasure, a lamp that shines a light, and a well that springs a fountain.
And with these abiding truths, I am the one who is pursuing YOU, my friend, the way He has passionately pursued me. I am His ambassador. I am His image bearer. I am His messenger.
By the grace of God, I am who I am.
I am a Christ follower. I am free.
So, as I sat in the midst of thousands of hopeful parents as well as supportive loved ones, all of us peering down into a sea of bright red robes, I found myself wanting to shout at the top of my lungs to my gentle giant sitting in the first chair, first row, "Davey, always, always, always remember who you are."
For the past four days, I've had the privilege of having all four of my kids at home at the same time; the older they get, the less frequently this happens. We shared a few meals together, as well as laughter and love. No doubt, this momma cherished every minute.
And then yesterday, my 23 year old, Maggie, drove off to begin her first (short term) job as a registered nurse in Georgia. And this morning, my 21 year old, Bink, headed back to Haiti to serve at Hands and Feet for the summer months.
I think I can safely say that a common parental goal is to raise and then launch our kids as God-dependent, parent-independent, confident, Light bearing contributers to society, right? Why then, if they seem to be heading down this path, does it still bring an ache to my heart when I see them drive or fly away?
In contemplating the answer to the above question, I came to the NOT NEW conclusion that mothering is, and forever will be, a mixed bag of emotions. Over the span of almost two and a half decades in this non-paying job, I have been stretched to the limit, humbled to my kness, a jet stream of "wisdom", completely dumbfounded, overjoyed, underappreciated, really happy, really really angry, perplexed, at great peace, hysterical with laughter, just plain hysterical, utterly exhausted, delightfully surprised, momma-bear defensive, teddy bear affectionate, frustated beyond belief, content without questions; and then, this list cycles back around, and around. Can anyone relate?
In spite all of these conflicting emotions, however, we moms steadfstly press on.
So from one mother to another, I would like to "gift" you with a few hopeful encouraging charges, taken from my weathered and worn mixed bag. Of course, these words of wisdom were graciously given to me when I was in the thick of things; I'm just passing them along to you:Give your kids TIME, give them your TOUCH, give them your TREASURE, and give them your "TALK".
I love my Mother; she gives and keeps giving!
TIME--no agenda on your part, no "let me fix you while we are here together"--just you, your loving, listening presence
TOUCH--hugs and high fives--touch brings healing--Jesus did this all the time
TREASURE-- a note on your child's pillow, her favorite little "happy", his favorite meal
TALK-- talk to your children a lot about your God, and talk to your God a lot about your children...teach and pray, two daily essentials (for more detail, see: A Mother's Privilege
Press into this job, mothers; it's one of the highest callings on this earth. There will be a return, God promises. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed dow, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38
Someday, your children will rise up and call you blessed. Proverbs 31:28
You can do this moms. Stay the course. Your children need YOU.
And now, it is with a little sadness in my heart over my older kids' departures, mixed with a joyful desire for each of you to love your kids well, that I want to genuinely proclaim, "Have a HAPPY Mother's Day!"For the past four days, I’ve had the privilege of having all four of my kids at home at the same time; the older they get, the less frequently this happens. We shared a few meals together, as well as laughter and love. No doubt, this momma cherished every minute.
And then yesterday, my 23 year old, Maggie, drove off to begin her first (short term) job as a registered nurse in Georgia. And this morning, my 21 year old, Bink, headed back to Haiti to serve at Hands and Feet for the summer months.
I think I can safely say that a common parental goal is to raise and then launch our kids as God-dependent, parent-independent, confident, Light bearing contributers to society, right? Why then, if they seem to be heading down this path, does it still bring an ache to my heart when I see them drive or fly away?
In contemplating the answer to the above question, I came to the NOT NEW conclusion that mothering is, and forever will be, a mixed bag of emotions. Over the span of almost two and a half decades in this non-paying job, I have been stretched to the limit, humbled to my kness, a jet stream of “wisdom”, completely dumbfounded, overjoyed, underappreciated, really happy, really really angry, perplexed, at great peace, hysterical with laughter, just plain hysterical, utterly exhausted, delightfully surprised, momma-bear defensive, teddy bear affectionate, frustated beyond belief, content without questions; and then, this list cycles back around, and around. Can anyone relate?
In spite all of these conflicting emotions, however, we moms steadfstly press on.
So from one mother to another, I would like to “gift” you with a few hopeful encouraging charges, taken from my weathered and worn mixed bag. Of course, these words of wisdom were graciously given to me when I was in the thick of things; I’m just passing them along to you:
Give your kids TIME, give them your TOUCH, give them your TREASURE, and give them your “TALK”.
I love my Mother; she gives and keeps giving!
TIME–no agenda on your part, no “let me fix you while we are here together”–just you, your loving, listening presence
TOUCH–hugs and high fives–touch brings healing–Jesus did this all the time
TREASURE— a note on your child’s pillow, her favorite little “happy”, his favorite meal
TALK— talk to your children a lot about your God, and talk to your God a lot about your children…teach and pray, two daily essentials (for more detail, see: A Mother’s Privilege
Press into this job, mothers; it’s one of the highest callings on this earth. There will be a return, God promises. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed dow, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38
Someday, your children will rise up and call you blessed. Proverbs 31:28
You can do this moms. Stay the course. Your children need YOU.
And now, it is with a little sadness in my heart over my older kids’ departures, mixed with a joyful desire for each of you to love your kids well, that I want to genuinely proclaim, “Have a HAPPY Mother’s Day!”
Many of you who are reading this post also receive my sister Peggy's devotionals via email subscription ( Through our ministry together with HopeWalking, we have commited to taking turns in writing posts on a weekly basis throughout the year for our readers; she writes one week, and then I write one week, and so on.
Peggy and I were commenting on the phone the other day about how we occasionally experience writer's block with these posts. We both ageed that our individual statement/plea when this happens becomes, "Okay God, I got nothin'...". We laughed together, saying that's when we should look up the word nothingin the back of our bibles and just go with it.
And so this morning, it's my turn to write. And because there is nothing in my head, I looked up nothing in the bible...
I now know there are 72 verses in my concordance that mention nothing. I jotted down a dozen or so of these, and wish I could write about each one (see the photo and choose some to look up if they intrigue you). These are the ones I picked in order to portray the gospel story:
For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. Romans 7:18
...Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:5-7
We know that our old self was crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. Romans 6:6
...apart fom Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 25-26
Wow. I am so full of nothing right now that ... my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5
So it is with a full heart at the finish of this post that I can sincerely say,Thank You God for giving me nothing. Amen
You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3
Dear Lord,
Your first commandment is written with love. You know that all other gods that we tend to worship are false and failing. They cannot give us life in the way that you can. We plead with you to turn our hearts toward worshipping you alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.