Learning to Soar

In Scripture, God uses so many beautiful analogies to encourage His children. I recently read this verse which compares an eagle and its young to God and his own children:

(He cared for them)...like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions. Deut. 32:11

The eagle is a magnificent bird. Its hollow lightweight frame is covered with 7000 feathers that allows it to soar as high as 2 miles above the ground. But the eagle doesn't start with knowing how to fly; it has to be taught in its early stages of life. Once the eaglet loses all its baby feathers, the parent eagle begins to teach the young bird to flap its wings; the adult bird does this by hovering over them and flapping its own wings. The little bird then mimics the parent inside the comfort of the nest; the airflow of the flapping wings causes the little one to rise ever so slightly above the base of the nest. Then, over time, the adult eagle coaxes its hungry young by holding captured-prey in its beak a short distance from the nest. And thus, the growing bird flaps... and follows... and flies...

God is prodding you to fly. He never meant you to stay in the comfort of His "nest." In this place of safety, you learn from Him, and you begin to mimic Him; but He means for you to soar.

You may be at a crossroads of life, having to step out of your comfort zone into the unknown; trust Him. Or, you may be in a new place of growth in your walk with the Lord and He's asking you to share your faith, or to give up a habitual sin, or forgive someone that you vowed never to forgive; again, mimic Him, and trust Him as he strengthens your wings. Then, start flapping, and following... and then... fly. Remember, He's watching over you. If you begin to falter, He will be there to catch and comfort and carry you. Under His care, you will learn to soar into new heights.

Will you respond to His prodding? Or is it too risky? If you choose to take this new leap in your faith, God promises this:


But those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

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Monday, June 26, 2017
By Chris Baxter

A Powerful Gift

What can I give my President? What can I give my country?


I sit with a group of women once a month who have committed to pray for the President, Vice President and their wives. This group, formed by Lori Rydberg and April Eshleman, called the Glove Club (representing Melania’s glove underneath the Bible during the inauguration ceremony), has opened my eyes to the powerful gift that each one of us can give Donald and Melania Trump and Mike and Karen Pence on a daily basis.

I’m humbled and excited to say that we are using my devotional book,The Heartbeat of God, as the daily guide for our prayers. For example, today’s devotional is entitled, “God, You are the Author of Faith. Particular scripture pertaining to faith is claimed throughout this prayer. This name of God and these scriptures are what we are giving our President, Vice President and their wives… today. Tomorrow we will pray a new name, Perfecter of Faith, and we will claim new scriptures for them. And the next day will be another new name, the One Who Prevails, and more scriptures to pray on these leader’s behalf. The prayers go on and on, and they are new every morning!

Prayer. A powerful gift.

There is nothing we can give our country’s leaders that is better than the gift of His name and His word. God is the One who can transform hearts and minds. Our passionate words spewing back and forth to each other do very little other than add to our ongoing chaos. Our prayers to God will actually get things done because we are talking to the One who is REALLY in control!

God promises to answer prayer concerning His name and His word.


If you want to join in this simple yet monumental growing movement, please do! Every day, pray. Many of you already have a copy of The Heartbeat of God and are currently using it in your daily devotional time. (These books can be purchased on Amazon). Let’s truly become one nation under God by uniting together in prayer.

Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.  Hebrews 11:6

The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God–it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. James 5:16 AMP

Prayer. A powerful gift that brings great reward.

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Monday, June 12, 2017
By Chris Baxter

Consider the Daylily (again)

I left town for a short weekend trip and came back to a nice surprise in my backyard: daylilys are a blooming! I wrote a post about them a couple of years ago that I'll reshare today:

Consider the Daylily

Many years ago, I bought some daylily bulbs from a friend of a dear friend. I picked a special place in my backyard near a stone wall to plant them; and then, I waited. The first bloom was a huge celebratory moment for me (I do NOT have a green thumb in the least, so anything that grows in my yard is a minor miracle). Now, every summer I look forward to the re-birthing of these radiant flowers.

What's crazy to me is that this flower's bloom only lasts one day, hence the name day-lily. It's as if this particular plant embraces this fact however, and puts a hundred percent of its beauty into the time it has been allotted. These brick red, butter yellow, and melon orange blossoms splay themselves open unashamedly, shouting "Beautiful!" and "Majestic!" and "Glory!" in the designated place that they have been planted. Scripture uses the blossoming flower as an anology to teach us:

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."  I Peter 1:23-25

So, when studying the temporal flower alongside the above scripture, a wise, yet convicting question can be, What am I doing with my days? Am I shouting "Beautiful", and "Majestic", and "Glory" in my designated place? 

Be challanged by the Creator of both the fleeting flower and your seeking soul. Take inHis word, the imperishable seed, and choose to hear it, and heed it. And then, without fail, you will not only be living in this world radiantly, but also at some point, leaving this world triumphantly, having impacted it for eternity. And this my friend, is a major miracle.

Teach us to number our days, that we may enter the heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

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Monday, May 29, 2017
By Chris Baxter

Filling the Shoes

Over the past couple of weekends we have had an influx of visitors in and out of our home. From family, to friends, and friends of friends, the beds have been full and the table has been surrounded. Observing the diversity of people and the use of their unique passions fills my cup to overflowing. I love seeing God at work in so many different ways THROUGH His people.

As I was tidying up a bit this morning, I came across a pair of one of our guest’s shoes. I immeditately knew to whom they belonged, and I smiled as I thought of her extraordinary individuality.

From this happy thought, I wrote 5 allegorical tips (some are borrowed) concerning filling the shoes on your own two feet:

1. If the shoe fits, wear it. Be your own person. The world is waiting for YOU.
2. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. Somebody else’s shoes are meant for somebody else.
3. Don’t be afraid of new and different. At some point, it might be time to break in an entirely new look.
4. Also, be content with old and worn. These shoes exemplify perseverance and experience to many.

5. Walk. Be confident in where you are going, but avoid climbing the status ladder in your heart and mind. Keep your feet moving forward on the humble ground. In doing so, you’re less likely to fall.

These five tips were beautifully lived out before me through our different guests these past two weekends. A few artists, an art agent, a knitter, a couple of musicians, a Ukranian advocate for orphans, two doctors, a coach, four turkey hunters, a golfer, a nurse practitioner, a realtor, a Bible teacher, a fellow writer, a PA school graduate, a waiter, a vetinary receptionist, and a couple of business men … all filled their own particular shoes. I marvel at the specified touch of God on each person, not because of their job title, but because of their individual distinctiveness within their choice giftings. No one can fill their shoes.

And my friend, no one can fill yours.

Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. Ephesians 4:1

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Monday, May 8, 2017
By Chris Baxter

Choice Words

Words. Choice words.

Words can hurt, words can heal.

Words can tear down, words can build up.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Pr. 18:21

In heated relational situations, is my tongue like a machete that swings with vast and defining blows? Or is it like a surgeon’s scalpel, that makes a small and accurate incision for the purpose of healing and hope?

Words. Choice words.

Words can destroy, words can restore.

Words can confuse, words can infuse.

Words can deform, words can transform.

“Lord, help me with my words. Make my words, Your words. May I pause and pray and hear Your voice telling me what to say, and what not to say. Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips (Ps 141:3). I only want to speak words that heal, build up, infuse, create, and transform.

Words. Yes, O God, I want to speak…

Your choice words.”

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Monday, April 24, 2017
By Chris Baxter

Philanthropy houses The Heartbeat of God

I wanted to let each of you know that my devotional book, The Heartbeat of God, is now being sold at a wonderful boutique called Philanthropy, in these three locations: Franklin TN, Houston TX, and Orlando FL. This store's motto is "fashion with compassion"; with this statement alone, one can see this is not your usual every-day retail store.

See their website's words of description: "Philanthropy is the recognized leader in cause-driven retailing. We curate and design our own apparel, home and gift products with purpose, passion, style, and quality offering our customers a unique platform for giving through our commitment to give a minimum of 10% of every sale to charity through local, national and global opportunities. The cornerstone of every Philanthropy store is the Prayer chapel. Our stores, our brand, our message is all centered around the idea of prayer. Prayers of thanksgiving, prayers for healing, prayers of hope, prayers of despair, loss and pain, prayers to the God of heaven who hears our prayers. We have hope not in the answers to our prayers, but in the one who answers them, in His time and His way. It is because of this hope, that we in turn share the love of Christ with others. We continually strive to be a generous expression of the heart of God in all we do as a company."

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love in words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

I'm thankful that the devotional prayer book, The Heartbeat of God, has found a home.

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Monday, April 3, 2017
By Chris Baxter

Daily Prayer

God is these 4 things (and more)

With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13

Dear Lord,

There is no one wiser than you, no one stronger than you, no one more knowledgable than you, and no one with more understanding. Why then, would we turn elsewhere for help? Give us hearts that seek you first, O God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.