Culture's Chaos vs. Mother's Day

By Chris Baxter

How ironic that our country is in the midst of (another) whirlwind of chaos, this time about aborting Life, and Mother's Day is around the corner.

As I read the raging headlines, I'm also currently in my own quiet space, praying for 3 different women who are longing to be a mother. They are asking for the sweet gift of a heart to beat inside of them. Again, what a contrast to the world that is shouting the opposite.

Another interestingly-timed-project on my editing radar right now is my daughter's work of 36 prayers written for her baby in utero. Maggie has beautifully crafted one prayer for each week of pregnancy. The content speaks about the baby's physical development as well as his or her future well-being. They are share-worthy, so please pray that I can get these out there to those who want them week to week. (Maggie now has three precious ones, so these prayers have been lifted up again and again and again!)

Her prayer on week 6 reminded me once again of God's divine orchestration of an appointed life, the value of a heart beat, the hope of a future. Forgive us Lord when we play god, destroying what you have already called into being.

Here is my daughter's prayer:

 Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the miracle of life that is now making his or her presence known in my body. As I begin to experience more of the (unpleasant)symptoms of pregnancy, I have been struck by the fact that I am giving myself up/suffering for the life of another. This is just a small picture of what You did for me on the cross, and it fills me with awe of your love and sacrifice.

 The other fact that fills me with awe is that our baby's heart is beating 110 beats per minute! This is such a testament to your sovereignty and creativity - that a heart that is not my own is beating inside my womb under no conscious power or direction from me. I know that even though I can't feel or hear these precious heartbeats, You can. This gives me such comfort as I continue walking forward in this new, exciting, and sometimes scary season. I pray, spiritually, that you create a heart that beats for you in our child. I also pray, physically, for a healthy and strong liver, kidneys and lungs.

 I love knowing that his or her face is starting to form. Small dots on the tiny head will soon form the ears, eyes and nose. I can't help but think of the miracles that You performed during Your time on earth when you made the blind see and the deaf hear. You are working another miracle in my womb right now. May they open their eyes and unclog their ears to see and hear Your loving presence in their life.

 I praise You with great joy (and a little nausea)!


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In all of this...

In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrong-doing. Job 1:22

Dear Lord,

We ask for hearts like Job, who trusted you no matter the circumstance. In loss, in struggle, in hardship, and in pain, strengthen our faith in you. Help us to believe, you will carry us through it all. In Jesus' Name, Amen.