The Big Things, and the Little Things

By Chris Baxter

It's 6:00 Monday morning and a dear friend just called because she is on her way to the hospital to have her 9th baby (yes 9th!). Our family is making sure her oldest son is taken care of concerning his high school activities for the next day or so. Now, having a baby is a BIG thing--and God is beautifully and miraculously present in the midst of it all.

God's power is also revealed in big things like a bride walking down the aisle, a sun setting behind the mountains, or waves crashing on the seashore; but I have to say, sometimes God's personal presence speaks to me just as much in the little things. These small touches of His love don't even have to happen to me for them to affect my heart. For example, two personal touches from the Lord occurred in our home recently.

First, Giulia, our Italian exchange student, was asked to prom by a charming young man. She knew for certain she wanted a long red dress, and she actually found one that she LOVED while we were traveling in Alabama; however, because we were out of town, and it was more than she wanted to spend, she put it back on the rack. After another few long drawn out shopping experiences over the next couple of weeks, she walked into our mall...... and there was HER red dress...... marked 20% off. I told her that God brought that specific dress to her; He cares that much! Yes, it's the little things.

And then, my daughter Emmy, who is a freshman in high school, started track this week. She is walking (or I should say running) into unknown territory concerning this sport; new techniques and terminology are coming at her quickly, leaving her somewhat bewildered. Within the first week, the team held time trials in order to evaluate each runner. She was asked to run the 800. Right before her race, which happened to be in a torrential downpour, she was internally FREAKING OUT, saying over and over to herself, "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this!". She told me later that while she was repeating this panic-stricken-statement, she happened to turn her head to see this guy who had his back to her; and on his T-shirt were the words, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:13). Again, it's little things.

God is powerfully present in the big things and He is personally present in the little things. It's now 9:30 am and I'm excited to SHOUT FOR JOY over the birth of my friend's new baby girl, Mia Fay Hetherington (now that was fast!). In the same breath, I am also eager to hear or see the evidences of God's gentle whisper to my heart today. He lives and loves to do both. I pray each of you will experience Him mightily and mercifully, powerfully and peacefully, incredibly and intentionally.

O Lord, You are intimately acquainted with all my ways... wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:3, 14

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Daily Prayer

What are we filled with?

Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40:34

Dear Lord,

Jsut as your glory filled the temple of old, your glory fills us today. By faith, your light and love has been poured into us through Christ. May we be your living glory-bearers for such a time as this. In Jesus Name, Amen.