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I will keep my words brief... This young family, Rachel and Evan Clinkscales and their 3 kids, with #4 coming in February, is so inspirational to me!
They have been in China for the last 8 years sharing the gospel (they learned the language!), and now they are answering God's call by moving to Mexico (they know Spanish too!). Their love for Jesus is contagious and their desire for others to know him presses them radically forward.
As the year ends, would you consider helping them in this transition? Here is their newsletter. If you feel led to give financially or prayerfully, I know they would be so grateful. It is good to support the body of Christ.
What is happening in January, 2023?
Through prayerful consideration, we are moving to Mexico at the beginning of the year to have our baby!
This will allow us to put down deep roots for the future as Baby Clinkscales will be a Mexican/American citizen, also making us permanent residents.
There are many reasons this makes sense for our mission as well as financially for our future. Due to increased living costs in Mexico with our growing family, we have immediate financial needs.
We pray you will consider partnering with us as we move forward.
What: We need $2,200/mo. to cover living costs, including rent, transportation, schooling, food, clothing, insurance, etc.There are also large setup costs with this move, including purchasing beds, desks, drawers, couches, tables, chairs, oven, microwave, refrigerator, dishes, etc.If you feel led to help with one or more of these needs, please let us know. Thank you!
When: We are asking for monthly support ASAP! And we will begin to set up our house in January.
Where: You can designate one-time or recurring gifts online at
Under the Donate tab, click on the Give button, select Missionary Support and write The Clinkscales in the memo section.
You can also send checks marked
The Clinkscales to:
Kaleo International
PO Box 971511El Paso, TX 79910
Blessings,Evan, Rachel, Hannah, Isaac, and Joseph
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Dear Lord,
We ask for your full, rich, beautiful blessing. All of it, leave nothing out. May we bask in all that you want to give to us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.