Spring Rain

By Chris Baxter

Not too long ago, I purchased and then potted pretty flowers in order bring color to our front and back porches. When I bought these selected plants, they came in small containers, knowing, however, that each one held the great capacity of future growth. Over the last month, as the spring rain has fallen into these pots, and supplied water deep into the plants' roots, I have had the pleasure of watching beauty expand and flowers bloom beyond the borders of its vessel. How captivating to watch its persistant growth!

There's something about the spring rain and new beginnings that speaks loud and clear to my thirsty heart.

I know that I am, and we as believers in Christ, are all much like these potted plants. With the right ingredients: born of an imperishable seed, andbeing rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, and nourished by both the Light of the World andthe Living Water, we too, cannot help but grow in both strength and beauty. (I Peter 1:23, Eph. 3:17, John 8:12, John 4:14)

I hear the Lord encouraging us each to grow into the full potential of who He has created us to be when I read these directional Words of His:

So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.  Hosea 6:9

Have you felt the "spring rain" of God's word gently fall over your heart lately? Press on to know the Lord, my friend. You are a selected piece of His beauty with the planned potential to blossom profusely, so that you can captivate the attention of the questioning on-looker.

Yes, Spring Rain, please fall.

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Daily Prayer

What are we filled with?

Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40:34

Dear Lord,

Jsut as your glory filled the temple of old, your glory fills us today. By faith, your light and love has been poured into us through Christ. May we be your living glory-bearers for such a time as this. In Jesus Name, Amen.