Picture Scripture - Vessel 2.5

By Chris Baxter


Picture: Vessel (pouring out)

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7-16; 2 Corinthians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:6-8; Philippians 2:16-18

Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:

Meditate on the act of someone pouring refreshing purified water from a pitcher into several different drinking glasses. This idea illustrates God’s beautiful work being manifested through us towards others. As a Christian (like Paul in the above verses), we have a continual life-long privilege of filling up and then pouring out.

What are differing factors that might keep you from being a life-giving vessels to others?

In what way is God using you to be His vessel of sacrificial love: in your family, in your job, in your witness to the lost?

Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference:

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Daily Prayer

What comes first?

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

Dear Lord,

Your first commandment is written with love. You know that all other gods that we tend to worship are false and failing. They cannot give us life in the way that you can. We plead with you to turn our hearts toward worshipping you alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.