Picture Scripture - Body 5.2

By Chris Baxter


Picture: Body (a heart to beat)

Scripture: Jeremiah 17:9; Jeremiah 24:7; Jeremiah 32:38-41; Psalm 86:11-13

Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:

When the Bible speaks of “the heart” it encompasses the thoughts, feelings, and desires of an individual, not just his or her emotions. With this truth in mind, close your eyes and think of your own heart. Today’s focus is twofold: 1. the heart of man, left to himself, is deceitful, BUT, 2. we are not left without hope! God can transform any repentant heart into something beautiful. It is important to note, that when our individual hearts beat for Him, they collectively beat as one.

Do your thoughts, feelings, and desires line up with God’s thoughts, feelings, and desires found in His word? Explain.

What has God recently laid on your heart and how have you responded to His nudging?

Write a prayer using the above verses as a reference.

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Daily Prayer

Where is your advice coming from?

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor... Isaiah 6:9

Dear Lord,

You are all wise. You know exactly what we need. You want to direct us onto the right paths--every day, every decision. Forgive us when don't seek you first, but rather seek counsel elsewhere. Help us to be rooted in your word as well as receive wise instruction from those who walk with you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.