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For the past four days, I've had the privilege of having all four of my kids at home at the same time; the older they get, the less frequently this happens. We shared a few meals together, as well as laughter and love. No doubt, this momma cherished every minute.
And then yesterday, my 23 year old, Maggie, drove off to begin her first (short term) job as a registered nurse in Georgia. And this morning, my 21 year old, Bink, headed back to Haiti to serve at Hands and Feet for the summer months.
I think I can safely say that a common parental goal is to raise and then launch our kids as God-dependent, parent-independent, confident, Light bearing contributers to society, right? Why then, if they seem to be heading down this path, does it still bring an ache to my heart when I see them drive or fly away?
In contemplating the answer to the above question, I came to the NOT NEW conclusion that mothering is, and forever will be, a mixed bag of emotions. Over the span of almost two and a half decades in this non-paying job, I have been stretched to the limit, humbled to my kness, a jet stream of "wisdom", completely dumbfounded, overjoyed, underappreciated, really happy, really really angry, perplexed, at great peace, hysterical with laughter, just plain hysterical, utterly exhausted, delightfully surprised, momma-bear defensive, teddy bear affectionate, frustated beyond belief, content without questions; and then, this list cycles back around, and around. Can anyone relate?
In spite all of these conflicting emotions, however, we moms steadfstly press on.
So from one mother to another, I would like to "gift" you with a few hopeful encouraging charges, taken from my weathered and worn mixed bag. Of course, these words of wisdom were graciously given to me when I was in the thick of things; I'm just passing them along to you:Give your kids TIME, give them your TOUCH, give them your TREASURE, and give them your "TALK".
I love my Mother; she gives and keeps giving!
TIME--no agenda on your part, no "let me fix you while we are here together"--just you, your loving, listening presence
TOUCH--hugs and high fives--touch brings healing--Jesus did this all the time
TREASURE-- a note on your child's pillow, her favorite little "happy", his favorite meal
TALK-- talk to your children a lot about your God, and talk to your God a lot about your children...teach and pray, two daily essentials (for more detail, see: A Mother's Privilege
Press into this job, mothers; it's one of the highest callings on this earth. There will be a return, God promises. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed dow, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38
Someday, your children will rise up and call you blessed. Proverbs 31:28
You can do this moms. Stay the course. Your children need YOU.
And now, it is with a little sadness in my heart over my older kids' departures, mixed with a joyful desire for each of you to love your kids well, that I want to genuinely proclaim, "Have a HAPPY Mother's Day!"For the past four days, I’ve had the privilege of having all four of my kids at home at the same time; the older they get, the less frequently this happens. We shared a few meals together, as well as laughter and love. No doubt, this momma cherished every minute.
And then yesterday, my 23 year old, Maggie, drove off to begin her first (short term) job as a registered nurse in Georgia. And this morning, my 21 year old, Bink, headed back to Haiti to serve at Hands and Feet for the summer months.
I think I can safely say that a common parental goal is to raise and then launch our kids as God-dependent, parent-independent, confident, Light bearing contributers to society, right? Why then, if they seem to be heading down this path, does it still bring an ache to my heart when I see them drive or fly away?
In contemplating the answer to the above question, I came to the NOT NEW conclusion that mothering is, and forever will be, a mixed bag of emotions. Over the span of almost two and a half decades in this non-paying job, I have been stretched to the limit, humbled to my kness, a jet stream of “wisdom”, completely dumbfounded, overjoyed, underappreciated, really happy, really really angry, perplexed, at great peace, hysterical with laughter, just plain hysterical, utterly exhausted, delightfully surprised, momma-bear defensive, teddy bear affectionate, frustated beyond belief, content without questions; and then, this list cycles back around, and around. Can anyone relate?
In spite all of these conflicting emotions, however, we moms steadfstly press on.
So from one mother to another, I would like to “gift” you with a few hopeful encouraging charges, taken from my weathered and worn mixed bag. Of course, these words of wisdom were graciously given to me when I was in the thick of things; I’m just passing them along to you:
Give your kids TIME, give them your TOUCH, give them your TREASURE, and give them your “TALK”.
I love my Mother; she gives and keeps giving!
TIME–no agenda on your part, no “let me fix you while we are here together”–just you, your loving, listening presence
TOUCH–hugs and high fives–touch brings healing–Jesus did this all the time
TREASURE— a note on your child’s pillow, her favorite little “happy”, his favorite meal
TALK— talk to your children a lot about your God, and talk to your God a lot about your children…teach and pray, two daily essentials (for more detail, see: A Mother’s Privilege
Press into this job, mothers; it’s one of the highest callings on this earth. There will be a return, God promises. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed dow, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38
Someday, your children will rise up and call you blessed. Proverbs 31:28
You can do this moms. Stay the course. Your children need YOU.
And now, it is with a little sadness in my heart over my older kids’ departures, mixed with a joyful desire for each of you to love your kids well, that I want to genuinely proclaim, “Have a HAPPY Mother’s Day!”
Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40:34
Dear Lord,
Jsut as your glory filled the temple of old, your glory fills us today. By faith, your light and love has been poured into us through Christ. May we be your living glory-bearers for such a time as this. In Jesus Name, Amen.