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Labor Day weekend is upon us.
People are either traveling to their long-weekend destinations, or they've made the conscious decision to put their pj's on and their feet up.
Either way, this extra day of reprieve is welcomed.
I just wanted to pause and say "thank you" to all the hard workers out there. You deserve the day off! And for those of you who are working on this holiday, you deserve a "double thank you!"
We're living in a time that a no-work-ethic is accepted, and even rewarded. In turn, this makes the day even harder for those who are choosing to get up and punch a clock.
Be encouraged; you are not going unnoticed. You are doing the right thing.
Even in a perfect world, work was the "right thing":
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Gen. 2:15). Adam and Eve got up in the morning and maintained the garden that God created. Work is in our DNA from the beginning. (Sadly, through Adam and Eve's disobedience, the curse of "thorns and thistles" entered their world, and we're still enduring it to this day, which makes work...HARD.)
True, work is hard! But it's also good.
I believe "getting your hands dirty" is a blessing.
It's character building.
It's mind stretching.
It's skill refining.
It's purpose finding.
It's social interacting.
It's personally gratifying.
And on a bigger and more impactful scale than status climbing, it can be God-glorifying...
So workers...Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10
From medical people to waitresses to teachers to musicians to ditch diggers to builders to firefighters to bankers, from blue collar to white collar, from stay-at-homers to downtown-office-goers...hats off to each of you!
Thank you for making your mark in this world.
Yes, all you laborers out there, enjoy your day off.
Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40:34
Dear Lord,
Jsut as your glory filled the temple of old, your glory fills us today. By faith, your light and love has been poured into us through Christ. May we be your living glory-bearers for such a time as this. In Jesus Name, Amen.