Flooding Thoughts

By Chris Baxter

Last Saturday morning, we watched the rain fall--another rainy Saturday, bummer.

... And keep falling--wow, that's a lot of rain.

... And keep falling-- goodness, our back yard has a fast flowing stream in it now. Drats, our barn is flooding.

... And keep falling-- there goes our newly planted vegetable garden... now that's what you call a "tossed salad."

We looked out front to see that our road was more like a small river. We counted our two horses in the field, our two dogs, our two cats... eight of us were in the house...arc?

On Saturday at noon, we could joke about it, but by that evening the rain was far from funny. Much of middle Tennesse was undergoing the "flood of the century." Wow... speechless. From this experience, however, I did have some overflowing thoughts:

1. A "for sure" Celebration. On Saturday, we were to give my daughter Maggie a Graduation/Birthday party. So for two days prior to this event, we all joyfully prepared. Many (and I mean many) ham rolls were made by both of Maggie's grandmothers, tasty dips were put together, and so on. The house was clean and ready for friends to enter. But of course, by 2 pm, the only way anyone could get to our home was by boat; needless to say, the party was canceled. My happy, hopeful thought from this disappointment kept running through my mind: I know of a future Celebration that will NOT be canceled, and it's a sure and beautiful thing.

Heaven is coming, my friend; Jesus is preparing a place for us right now, and it will be eternally delightful! He has said, No eye has seen, no ear has heard... all that God has prepared for those who love Him (I Corinthians 2:9).

2. Never in vain. My biggest concern about the cancelled party was the abundance of food. Well, God had a purpose that we party-planners did not presume. Little did we know, that the labor of love done on Friday was going to be food for flood victims on Monday. Ham rolls (and company) were distributed to neighbors, to different families, and to a devastated church site.

How delightful to be used unexpectedly by God who had prepared this work beforehand, that we should walk in it (Ephesians 2:10).

Christian brother and sister, know that your labor here, no matter how menial, is never in vain.

3. Advance Notice. This thought is a little more sobering, but just as true. If I had known in advance that the flood was coming, I would have called every person that I knew to tell them about it. Get ready; move your stuff upstairs; don't drive this way or that...

I know that something far worse than a flood is coming; for the Bible tells me so. The refusal to believe in Jesus Christ, God's Son, will result in certain eternal separation from God, (which would be hell). In His word, He pleads over and over and over again, "Come to Me." Mohammed can't invite, Buddha can't invite, neither can Gandhi or Mr. Good Works; these are mere men and ideals. But Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His nature (Hebrews 1:3). He IS God who came down to rescue us. And He has invited you to be with Him forever.

I pray these thoughts will flood your heart like they have mine. Let's look forward to our future celebration; but while we wait, let's labor here with God's love and give all those around us advance notice so they can join us... "Upstairs."

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Daily Prayer

What are we filled with?

Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40:34

Dear Lord,

Jsut as your glory filled the temple of old, your glory fills us today. By faith, your light and love has been poured into us through Christ. May we be your living glory-bearers for such a time as this. In Jesus Name, Amen.