Filling the Shoes

By Chris Baxter

Over the past couple of weekends we have had an influx of visitors in and out of our home. From family, to friends, and friends of friends, the beds have been full and the table has been surrounded. Observing the diversity of people and the use of their unique passions fills my cup to overflowing. I love seeing God at work in so many different ways THROUGH His people.

As I was tidying up a bit this morning, I came across a pair of one of our guest’s shoes. I immeditately knew to whom they belonged, and I smiled as I thought of her extraordinary individuality.

From this happy thought, I wrote 5 allegorical tips (some are borrowed) concerning filling the shoes on your own two feet:

1. If the shoe fits, wear it. Be your own person. The world is waiting for YOU.
2. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. Somebody else’s shoes are meant for somebody else.
3. Don’t be afraid of new and different. At some point, it might be time to break in an entirely new look.
4. Also, be content with old and worn. These shoes exemplify perseverance and experience to many.

5. Walk. Be confident in where you are going, but avoid climbing the status ladder in your heart and mind. Keep your feet moving forward on the humble ground. In doing so, you’re less likely to fall.

These five tips were beautifully lived out before me through our different guests these past two weekends. A few artists, an art agent, a knitter, a couple of musicians, a Ukranian advocate for orphans, two doctors, a coach, four turkey hunters, a golfer, a nurse practitioner, a realtor, a Bible teacher, a fellow writer, a PA school graduate, a waiter, a vetinary receptionist, and a couple of business men … all filled their own particular shoes. I marvel at the specified touch of God on each person, not because of their job title, but because of their individual distinctiveness within their choice giftings. No one can fill their shoes.

And my friend, no one can fill yours.

Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. Ephesians 4:1

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When fear wins...

At the end of forty days they returned from spying out the land...and they told him (Moses), "We came to the land to which you sent us. It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. However, the people who dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large." Numbers 13:25, 27-28

Dear Lord,

Remind us when we focus on our fears, our perspective gets distorted--everything grows! May we always remember who you are--the Almighty, all powerful, all loving, wonder-working God. For when our eyes are on you, we can be strong and courageous. In Jesus' Name, Amen.