A Mother's Privilege - A Study for Every Mom

By Chris Baxter

Read Section 1 Online (FREE)Download Section 1 PDF (FREE)HANDOUT 1: "The Five Love Languages of Children" .docHANDOUT 2: "Personality Types" .docRead Section 2 Online (FREE)Download Section 2 PDF (FREE)Read Section 3 Online (FREE)Download Section 3 PDF (FREE)Read Section 4 Online (FREE)Download Section 4 PDF (FREE)Read Section 5 Online (FREE)Download Section 5 PDF (FREE)Read Section 6 Online (FREE)Download Section 6 PDF (FREE)[This E-Moms study, taken from Chris' book A Mother's Privilege, is taught by Chris Baxter to mothers at her home church Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood, Tennessee. www.FellowshipNashville.org. To contact Study Administrator, email Emoms@comcast.net]

To The ReaderAbout ten years ago, I wrote a book entitled Living the Lord’s Prayer. Recently, I have taken some time to re-visit the book and its contents. Because the subject matter pertains to helping mothers instruct their children concerning God’s truths found in His word, I have decided to change the title of this study (and future book) to A Mother’s Privilege.You will find that each chapter of this study is divided into three letters:The first letter is written to my children. This letter pertains to a certain truth about God that I desire them to understand. The letters consist of a variety of stories and explanations created for a young mind or young believer. For example, I have written one letter concerning compassion, explaining it in a way in which Jesus would have shown compassion. These letters are for you and your children. You may choose to read some of these letters to them; however, most letters will serve as a launching block to help you create your own simple explanations concerning God’s incredible truths. I have also provided suggestions at the end of each letter to assist you in your teaching time with your children.The second letter is a written prayer for my children. The prayers are a humble plea to our Holy God, asking Him to take this particular truth and bring it to life in their hearts. For example, my desire, and I am sure yours as well, is for our children to not only understand compassion, but also to live and love compassionately, as a way of life.And then, the third letter is God’s word to you. These are scripture references that are found in the two previous letters, making the truth “valid.” To continue with the example, at the end of the compassion chapter, you will find verses pertaining to compassion. My utmost desire is to point you to God’s word, God’s hope, God’s answer to life—Jesus Christ.May the pages of this study, which follows the guidelines of The Lord's Prayer, be beneficial to your heart first. Then, may you take what He has taught you, and impress it into the hearts of your children.Written In His Love,Chris Baxter

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Daily Prayer

How near is God?

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is i who say to you, "Fear not, I am the one who helps you." Isaiah 41:13

Dear Lord,

Remind us that you are near. You want to help us in our daily life decisions and our current struggles. May we believe this truth and walk dependently with you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.