Three Words to Live By

I was talking with a friend who had questions about what a daily walk with the Lord looks like. I know each faith walk varies person to person, and even season to season, but in a broad way, here are three words to live by: seek, pray, trust.

Seek. Seek God in His word, every day. Daily is key. Don't we live life every day? Then, let's seek Him every day! His word is truly the lamp to our feet, and the light to our path (Psalm 119:105). God's word teaches us truths about who He is, and His great love for us. His word also gives us guidance for the smallest and biggest decisions we make, or the vast range of emotions we feel. He promises if we seek Him, we will find Him, if we seek Him with all our heart (Jeremiah 29:13).

Pray. Where seeking is God talking to us, praying is us talking to God. God tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When we talk to God all the time in our heart, it leaves little room for other negative or self-defeating thoughts. In prayer, we can turn anxiety to peace. We can release anger or bitterness. We can actually help others by simply talking to God! The more we pray, the stronger our relationship with the Lord becomes.

Trust. Trusting God is crucial. If we seek Him daily, and pray to Him all the time, but we don't trust Him, and then choose to go our own way because we think it's better, then our faith walk is really "all for naught." Why seek and pray when we don't really trust? However, if we fully believe God hears our prayers, then our souls can rest, knowing He is at work, doing things we could never do in and of our own power. And if we trust Him in His word, we will confidently follow Him down His paths, believing His way is the best route, even if it's not fully revealed. A simple example: when driving into an unknown destination, we type the address into Google Maps or Waze. Isn't the next logical step to follow its directions? Trusting God is obeying God. It is faith-in-Him winning over the feelings-in-you. I've lived long enough to know that feelings are NOT trustworthy. So friend, every day, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Seek. Pray. Trust. A habitual, yet divinely exhilarating way to live.

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Thursday, July 9, 2020
By Chris Baxter

Three Wedding Photos and Three Wedding Thoughts

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Well, I have chosen to share three pictures from my daughter Emmy's wedding this past weekend. She was privileged to marry her "best friend Kyle." I could have picked several dozen different pictures, but these three are the ones I hope will speak to your heart in a deeper way.

THE CELEBRATION. Due to planning a wedding during a pandemic, the guest list fluctuated week to week to week. To say the least, the drama involved around the wedding date was incredibly weighty. It saddened us that due to a virus, many people were unable to attend. Often I thought of the deeper reality of a better day ahead of us: In the end of time, the true Bridegroom is coming to claim his bride once and for all. At THIS wedding feast our Lord promises there will be "no more death, nor mourning, nor crying, nor pain" (see Revelation 21:1-6). The Bridegroom, Jesus, Savior of all mankind, is inviting YOU to be present with HIm, forever. My friend, it's going to be ETERNALLY GREAT, like no other wedding feast on this planet. Don't miss it! The question is, will you come?

Until that day...we grow as a FAMILY. I now have two more sons in the mix! And... how could I leave my precious granddaughter out of this post?! If I can give anything to this growing family, it would be the same thing I've given all along: prayer. I pray for many things, one main thing being that the love of Christ would be present within each heart and that this love would then pour out to the people around them, including each other. As you well know, being unified is not a "given", it's a choice. Differences can divide us if we allow it. My daily prayer is that we would recognize that we are all uniquely created and that each God-designed-person is worth celebrating, together. "And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony" (Colossians 3:14).

ABUNDANT JOY. When Emmy got engaged, I asked her what word I could pray over her and Kyle's wedding day. She quickly responded, "JOY!" Let me emphatically say that God delivered in abundance! Joy resonated within the wedding party as well as throughout the entire celebration, all the way to the bubbly night time exit of the bride and groom. In saying this, my deeper heart's desire for you is to look at this particular picture of Emmy and Kyle and believe with all your heart that Jesus is just as EXCITED AND DELIGHTED with you as Kyle is with Emmy. IT'S TRUE (and even more so!). If we really lived with assurance that Christ LOVES AND CHERISHES US, I think we would be a more confident people of God, spreading the good news with excited fervor.With the last picture in mind I will close with these two complimentary verses. Believe in and walk (or skip) in these truths today:As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. Isaiah 62:5Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and a sound of a melody. Isaiah 51:3

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Thursday, June 25, 2020
By Chris Baxter

Prayer-Full Persistence

Does our persistence in prayer, our ongoing requests, bother God? I think not. Jesus tells us a parable in scripture (Luke 18:1-8) that actually speaks of just the opposite. The main point He wants to make in this story is stated clearly:

"...(we) ought to pray and not lose heart" (Luke 18:1).

Jesus' parable calls attention to the attitude of a widow who continuously asks for justice from a godless judge; and finally, because of her persistence, she receives it. She is one of those people who "knocks and keeps knocking." The good news unfolds as the parable continues, and it ends with this truth: our prayers are met by a righteous God who is not bothered by us; on the contrary, He is pleased with our persistence and answers us with a willing heart.

Let's continue to pray. God promises to answer us! He hears our cries. He sees our hearts. He knows our needs. He wants us to talk to Him! In the holy conversations with our Savior, we grow in both our intimacy with Him and dependency on Him, which are two reasons that Jesus WANTS us to pray! As we give Him our requests, we must trust that every answer we receive is wrapped in the confines of His steadfast love and faithfulness.

This past week, I have been in a place of fervent prayer much like the persistent widow in the parable. I have begged and cried and bowed and laid prostrate and claimed God's living word on behalf of my long-time-soul-to-soul friend Sharon Suiter Reyes and her husband Fred who is in the hospital on a ventilator due to the coronavirus. Their family invades my thoughts and takes over my emotions, but I must not stop there. I must run to the God of Mercy, and I must persistently plead. All my worrying and all my weeping must be turned into fervent prayer on their behalf. My tearful eyes of faith are focused on the mighty God who heals. I must believe that my persistence pleases the Lord, and that my faith "fuels" His power. Why else would He call us to pray?

God will be faithful to do His part in providing His best answer for your prayers, and for mine. What He wants us to do is to be faithful in our part, which is to "pray and not lose heart."Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it—the Lord is his name, "Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know...Jeremiah 33:2-3 

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020
By Chris Baxter

Equipped to Do the Call

Did you know that if you are a follower of Christ you are equipped with the power of God? Does this mean that you can part the Red Sea like Moses or call fire from heaven like Elijah? Uh, probably not; but what it DOES mean is this: you are fully equipped to do every good work that God has called YOU to do.

So, what is God asking you to do today?  Don't make this question too difficult. Just think about today. You don't have to figure out what your life-long mission is by the end of this post. God will accomplish the "big stuff" in you as you obey Him one faithful step at a time. He will give you what you need to obey Him today. Also, do not believe the lie that doing something "great for God" only means reaching the masses, or possessing a incredible gift or talent, or leading a huge ministry. Some people are appointed to do these things for sure; but, these acts are no less powerful than knocking on your neighbor's door while carrying Jesus' love inside of you, or sitting with a hurting friend and pouring His compassion out to her, or listening to a struggling young believer and immediately lifting up quiet prayers on his behalf.

Again, what is God asking you to do today? Hear Him call your name, choose to obey His voice, and believe He will equip you with His powerful Spirit to do a great thing in what may seem like an ordinary task. Today, I'm going to respond to the Spirit's prompting and walk next door to re-meet my new neighbor. I am not going over there alone. As I socially distance on her front porch, I'm asking God's Spirit to sweetly pour out of me and then touch her with His love. A mighty God in the midst of a one-on-one conversation is no small thing!

Let's both remember, when we choose to walk forward in faith-filled obedience, there is no doubt that both great things and God-things will unfold in our not-so-ordinary life.

For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13

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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
By Chris Baxter

The Power of Gentleness

What is gentleness? Is it a weakness of character when one chooses "to be soft"? I asked the Lord these questions and He gave me an opportunity to learn by experience...

Last Saturday, I took some newly purchased clothes over to my parent's house for my mother to try on so she wouldn't have to enter stores at this very strange time. As she and I "set up shop" in her bedroom, I helped her in and out of each outfit, one of them being a potential rehearsal dinner dress for my daughter Emmy Baxter's wedding in a few weeks. Due to my mom's ongoing back pain and unsure footing, I had to be very gentle with her as I placed, pulled, zipped and buttoned each outfit. Every touch of mine had tender love within it. (A little history concerning my mother and me: Fifty years ago, when I was 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old, my sweet momma would gently rub lotion all over my little legs because they itched and itched and itched due to being badly burned as a toddler. Her strength was my security in this ongoing healing process). It is an honor to zip her dress.

Interestingly, only hours later in the day, I went home to the future bride. She too, needed my help as she wanted to try on her wedding gown with her newly purchased jewelry. Again, I carefully repeated the dressing process...another moment in time to cherish.

After Saturday's hand's-on lessons and also digging into His word, here is what I wrote in my journal:

--Gentleness displays powerful love.

--Gentleness is partnered with wisdom. (James 3:13-17)

--Gentleness is administered appropriately and selflessly.

--Gentleness is not a weak attribute; rather, it is a carefully-distributed-strength.

Jesus says, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30)."

Isn't it interesting that the same God-Man who had the power to calm a raging storm with three words ("Hush, be still") chooses to describe Himself as "gentle and lowly in heart"? Was He a push-over? No, remember He CHOSE to lay His life down for you and me. He humbled Himself, and emptied Himself, so that He could walk beside us. Like a strong arm around our shoulders, He pours his Spirit inside of us and whispers encouraging words to us as we walk out our days. He has committed Himself to us, step by step.

I think you would agree with me in saying that our world needs a little gentleness right now. Who knew that 2020 would hold such harsh chaos? First disease, now destruction. Is there someone in your world, or maybe even outside your comfortable world, that you could touch with the gentleness of Christ? Who do you need to put your arm around and walk alongside of for a while? Ask God to put someone on your heart. Allow the Spirit to speak and then follow through today. Do not wait...because great healing can come from the power of gentleness.

You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great. Psalm 18:35

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020
By Chris Baxter

No Peace? Know Peace!

Are you in the midst of a storm today? Are you desperate for some peace?

Allow me to direct you to seven short verses in the Bible, Mark 4:35-41. In this passage, Jesus is asleep in a boat in the middle of a storm while his disciples are trying to arm-wrestle the wind and the waves without Him. As things get worse, the fearful disciples shake the Prince of Peace to upright position and plead for help.

In order to make this passage become more vivid in your mind, step into the storm-tossed boat with the disciples. Feel the waves crashing in and the boat filling up with fierce surges of water. Frantically shake Jesus’ shoulders and ask with them, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

(Have you ever felt like Jesus went to sleep in the midst of your storm, and that He simply didn’t care? I have.)

The story continues, and remember, you are still a main character in it. The next words spoken were directed not to the disciples but to the wind and the waves. Jesus, now awake, simply said three words, “‘Peace. Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39). Experience the awe of the God-Man’s commanding peace; like a light-switch, the raging storm changes to placid silence.

(Realize that sometimes the greatest storms are the ones that are within us.)

I think the main point of this story is found in the two follow-up questions that Jesus asks the disciples. Remember, you’re in the boat, and He’s asking you:

“Why are you so afraid?”

“Have you still no faith?”

Pause a moment and answer Jesus.

Goodness, sometimes I don’t like my answers! Why do I tend to be fear-full and faith-less?! Ugh!

Bottom line, we need a change in perspective. Again, we see this in our passage. It says, “And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and sea obey him?'” (Mark 4:41). If we could have the “right kind of fear” THEN we would have the right kind of faith. When our focus is on Jesus, our perspective changes from fear of our current reality to awe of His supreme authority. This accurate kind of fear is one that builds our faith rather than diminishes it.

Friends, your Creator and Commander is “in your boat.” Even if your storm continues to rage, be confident that He is not going anywhere. “Wake Him up” with your fervent prayers. He sometimes waits to move through them. Also be certain of this: He does care, and He is in control. For He Himself is your peace (Ephesians 2:14).

I will end with an old but familiar saying that I think sums up what the disciples learned long ago, and what we can hold as true today:

No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace.

Dear Lord,

You are the Keeper of the Stars. You are the Creator of the Universe. You are the Sustainer of all that Breathes. You are the Holder of the Wind and Commander of the Waves. And You are in my boat. I am awed at Your power and humbled by Your love. Today, let my soul hear and receive one more time Your personal words, “Peace, be still.” Amen.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020
By Chris Baxter

Daily Prayer

A question about death...

If a man dies shall he live again? Job 14:14

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for the promise of eternal life. You tell us this in your word: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11:25). The hope you give us is for today, tomorrow, and forever. In your Name, Amen.