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In my recent quiet times, my mind has settled on the very familiar passage found in Philippians 2. As I quote it below, pay attention to the "ups and the downs" of our Master-Teacher, as well as His followers:
(UP) Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God,
(DOWN) did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant... He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross.
(UP) Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name.
(DOWN) that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth,
(and UP) and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father... for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:6-13)
I think we as humans would always choose to be on the up-and-up of life, experiencing one high after the other concerning power, prestige, and pressure-free living. We sure don't like the "DOWN stuff", do we? Who wants to be put on the side-lines, or who wants to take the backseat, or who wants keep silent when there is an opportunity to boast? But if our Teacher was willing to empty Himself and humble Himself, shouldn't we as well? Let us remember just how UP there He was: Heaven is His throne, and the earth is His footstool (Is 66:1).
I thank my Jesus for coming DOWN. How I pray that I will learn from Him. He humbled Himself. How? By becoming obedient. Then... so must I. I must choose to obey God's word even when I really really really would rather "do it my way" or "have it my way". Friend, if you are struggling right now with feeling forgotten, or overlooked, or cheated, here is a promise for you:
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time (I Peter 5:6).
In humble obedience, you and I learn more about our Savior, and we become more like Him. So that at this "proper time" that God chooses to lift us UP, we will both joyfully and selflessly proclaim, not our names, but One who is above all... JESUS.
My sister Peggy lives in Texas. I cherish the few times a year that we see each other. One of our favorite activities is taking long walks together. We have happily chosen to walk side by side from the time we were teenagers until now in our forties. Many many miles have passed between the two of us!
At Christmas last year, Peggy casually mentioned that two of her friends had made an adventurous goal of walking a marathon in every state. This immediately sparked something in me, and I said to my sister, "Where do we start?". She 100% agreed and we began planning. (If we do one a year in every state, I will finish my last marathon when I am 94. Now that's a "feat" pun intended.)
I must admit, I had a few valid concerns about marathon-walking with my sister. First of all, Peggy's last name is Lively, and the name fits her disposition to a tee. Her energy level far surpasses mine. Also, Peggy and I are built very differently; she was blessed with long legs, mine, well, not so long at all. I (fretfully) kept these differences in mind while I trained for the Country Music Marathon (April 3oth)...
And so, we begin...walking and occasionally jogging...mile 1, mile 2, mile 3...uh, she's speedy....mile 4, mile 5, mile 6....what in the world have I gotten myself into?!!....mile 7, 8, 9...and why did we not choose basket-weaving or pottery-painting once a year?! It was obvious to me that I needed to make some adjustments if I wanted to stay at this pace. I always knew I could not walk fast; but I also know I possess the "gift" of running real slow. So while Peggy lengthened her lovely stride, I shortened mine and shuffled along right by her side. We were quite a sight. (While her last name is Lively, my last name Baxter means tenacious; and this is what I needed to be in to finish this race!). I am delighted to say, many many many miles later, we crossed the finish line, holding hands.
What did God teach me through this exhausting yet exhilarating experience? I now understand in a deeper level that we as Christians are all in the same "race"... life. And while racing, our eyes should be looking straight ahead at our one common goal Jesus Christ:
...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith... (Hebrews 12:1-2)
If we look to the right or the left, we begin to compare. We find ourselves saying things like, "I should be doing life the way my neighbor, friend, sibling, or parent is." Or, "I'll never measure up." And even, "I can't, so I quit." Look at the shepherd boy David. He used his wiring, a sling and a stone, to slay the giant, not the wiring of King Saul who offered David his personal armor.
My friend, keep your eyes on Christ alone. How has He wired you from within? Are you walking in the way He created you, or are you struggling to be like the person by your side?
My sister and I have the same heart; we share the same Savior. Ironically, we started a ministry together a couple of years ago that we "happened to" name Walking with Hope. Our unified desire is to share Jesus Christ, the only living hope, with those that need an encouraging Word throughout life's journey. You can check out her website at But we are also different. She must walk her way, and I must walk mine. And with joy, we will continue to encourage each other all along the way.
One more bit of information about the marathon, if you have attended any one of the Walking with Hope functions in my home, Peggy and I "took you with us." In my runner's pouch, was a notecard of about 100 names. And as we walked, jogged, and shuffled through the marathon together, we prayed for you... to walk in your wonderful wiring, with your eyes fixed on Christ alone.
A snapshot from several years ago, but the good new is still the same...The beautiful conclusion of the Easter story is summed up with this familiar verse: He is not here, but He has risen (Luke 24:6). What an awesome and fundamental truth of the Christian faith:
He is not here. Jesus is no longer in the grave--His mercy, His wisdom, His righteousness was not bound in a tomb. Death, darkness, and the devil could not keep Him strapped down. The only thing He left behind was our sin.
He has risen. Jesus is living and active. Jesus is all powerful. Jesus is the Loving God. Jesus is the Pursuing God.
And what does this resurrected Jesus desire most? He longs for each of us to also experience a resurrected life. When we trust Him as the One true God, who came and died and rose again, we too can walk in newness of life with His Spirit working in and through us. Our sins have been nailed to the cross and left behind. Now, He asks us to rise up:
Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Ephesians 4:14
My friend, are you a believer in Christ but still in the tomb... of fear, of doubt, of dismay? Or are you someone who has never trusted Jesus fully, but you just keep feeling a tug in your heart? Wake up to His wonder this day. Let Him pull you out of your tomb into His glorious light. He is longing for you to come and follow Him. Hear and receive His words:
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:12
Yes, arise my sisters and brothers, let each of us live in the all powerful presence of our resurrected Lord and Savior. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8).
Take a few seconds, and think... what are some things that you "delight in"? Off the top of my head, and without getting too spiritual, here's my list: a good book, an impactful movie, chocolate of any kind, a hearty laugh with a friend, a date with my husband, and sweet family time.
Have you ever wondered what God delights in? Here are a few verses that catch His heartbeat:
"I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things." Jeremiah 9:24
And how does the Lord exercise His pleasures on the earth? Through His Son:
"Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights." Isaiah 42:1
And what did God's perfect Son, Jesus, do when He came to earth?
He rescued me because He delighted in me. Psalm 18:19
Isn't it a wonderful truth to know that God sent His Son to you and me not because He had to, but because He wanted to? And isn't it just as beautiful to understand that Jesus died for you and me, not out of duty, but out of sheer love? And then, isn't it even more astounding that the Spirit longs to live in us, not only because it's His purpose, but also because it's His pleasure? To think, He wants to be with me, the same way that I want to be with my family--and even more so.
He jealously desires the Spirit which He made to dwell in us. James 4:5
Because of His Spirit in us, we have the privilege of experiencing God's delight each new day. But sometimes I think we miss it because we don't sit still enough to receive it. For example, when my now 14 year old was a toddler, she used to throw some giant-sized fits; they were so large that I could not hold her due to the thrashing and kicking (tough times for ole mom here). My love was ever-present, but she could not be wrapped up in it. Likewise, I know I can throw some major fits--"busy fits, life's-not-fair fits, self-centered fits," and then completely miss an opportunity to receive His sweet embrace.
So today remember this truth: He delights in unchanging love (Micah 7:18). Meaning, no matter how many fits I throw, He will always be waiting to embrace me. Hopefully, like my daughter, I will continue to grow up, so I can receive what He longs to daily give.
I know this for sure, when I do experience Him fully, His divine embrace goes to the very very top of my delight list.
I have come across the word "abundant" many times lately in God's word. Its definition is: existing or available in large quantities; plentiful, ample, profuse, bountiful.
One way in which I can visualize the meaning of "abundant" is by seeing someone walk into a grocery store, and then from there, this person assumes that all the products are theirs to take home--every item on every aisle... every cereal box, every ketchup bottle, every piece of fruit. Wow, now that's a profuse amount of food for one person! With this in mind, hear these words:
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2
In this verse, we both know that the phrase eat what is good and delight yourself in abundance is not referring to a bountiful trip to our local grocery store. We find more of the meaning in the first phrase: listen carefully to Me. The abundant life that the Lord is speaking of here is about our spiritual life. It cannot be found in a physical sense; this is where many get confused, thinking that we deserve a comfortable living and a trial free existence. But even Christ suffered, so why do we think we should be void of it? Abundant living refers to the the spiritual richness that the Lord desires to lavish on us in the midst of suffering, in the midst of waiting, in the midst of the unknown. In essence, He wants to give us a piece of heaven while we are walking on this earth.
And, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3
So what are the spiritual blessings that are lavished on us from on high? And what will we find "on the aisles of His warehouse" that costs us nothing, and yet cost Him His Son?
forgiveness of sins
mercies that are new every morning
wisdom that is pure
love that never fails
joy that overflows
peace that passes all understanding...
On and on, on and on. I pray that you will delight yourselves in abundance in Him today. Nothing on this earth compares to what He has to offer. And as you and I enter His presence and stand in the midst of His spiritual blessings, may we declare with thanksgiving, we have more than enough.
One early Friday Morning not too long ago, the day started uneventfully. I got Bink out of the bed and the house by 5:20 for football practice; and then, while Emmy and Davis slept a little longer, I sat down for coffee and some quiet. The morning was peaceful as I sat...
At 6:50ish, it was time to get dressed and ready for a morning appointment, so I did just that. And then, around 7:02, my husband Mac casually asked, "How's Davis getting to school?" It was at this moment and not one second sooner, that I realized I had completely forgotten about Davis! He needed to be at school at 7:25 am. (Emmy is home-schooled so she was fine where she lay). Mac could not take Davis due to his schedule, so it was up to me...
At 7:06, a wet-moppy-headed mom and a dazed bed-headed son could be seen flying down Wilson Pike towards Ravenwood High School. I wonder, is there any graceful way to say to your child, "I'm so sorry, I forgot about you?" Thankfully, he made it, with a couple of minutes to spare.
As I drove home, full of motherly guilt, I asked the Lord for some encouraging words concerning my poor parenting. The verse that came to my mind immediately was:
Can a woman forget her child, and have no compassion on the son of her womb?
My already discouraged heart responded, "Well, gee thanks God; that was not quite what I was after." But then my mind settled on the next line of this particular verse:
Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)
God wanted to teach me through my mistake that morning; He doesn't waste anything. He was saying to me (and to you): "I will never forget my children". Yes, He knows when we sit down and when we rise up...He scrutinizes our paths... and is intimately acquainted with all our ways. (Psalm 139:1-2) He does this for each one of us; and there is no partiality with Him.
If your heart is crying, "Forget-me-not!!" Rest assured, your God cannot! He knows your heartbeat, your thumbprint, and the hairs on your head. Talk to Him, and let Him talk to you. He knows the plans He has for
Interestingly, only a few days after I forgot to wake Davis, I then forgot to pick Emmy and her carpool buddies up from their tutorial... Hmm, should I be worried about myself? I guess God wanted to teach me a double lesson, and also to show my middle-child Davis that my "forgetting" was not a personal thing. (In a sad way, I didn't show partiality either.)
Hopefully, my children will also learn the lesson God taught me: that they have a wonderful Heavenly Father who will forget-them-not, in spite of their blonde-headed earthly mother who sometimes does.
Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord; though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18
Dear Lord God,
When you forgive our sins, a miracle takes place. You take joy in washing us clean by the life, death, and resurrection of your perfect son Jesus. Help us to walk in this gift every day. No need for guilt, because our "scarlet sins" have been changed to a purity that's "as white as snow." In Jesus' Name, Amen.