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There is a familiar expression, "You can't put God in a box." Agreed. The God of the Universe can never fit in a man-made contraption comprised of mere ideas and speculations concerning His character. If you want to know God, read His word; there, you will find Him. And there, if your heart is humbly willing, He will never stop amazing you with His unbound grace and free flowing love.
BUT, Godcan "put us in a box." Listen to His words of truth:
For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is already laid, which is Jesus Christ. I Cor. 3:11
You hem me in behind and before, and You lay Your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5-6
So we, as Christians, stand on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. When we believe in Him, our footsteps become unshakebly firm because of His truths beneath us. And as we walk step by step, God Himself puts His protective hand behind, before, and over us. We are enclosed on all sides; not constrained as some might speculate, but enclosed with the marvelous mystery of who He is and what He does.
Inside these borders are His wisdom and knowledge, His compassion and kindness, His security and peace, His faithfulness and steadfast love...and these attributes of His character are unending. It doesn't matter what goes on around me, as long as I am hemmed in by His hand. When I dare to step outside of His boundry, the weight and the struggle and the pull this world hits me full in the face like a fierce wind in a winter storm. So quickly, I step back inside to find His warmth once again.
You are a hiding place for me; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with shouts of deliverance. Psalm 32:7
Yes, God of the Universe, I want to thank You for grace-fully putting me in Your "box", now and forever.
Our lives can be compared to one large puzzle, with God Himself being the puzzle-worker. All the pieces are present from the beginning, and there is a beautiful masterpiece waiting to be put together by its Creator. He knows where each piece fits, and He knows exactly when to put it in its place. Every piece is different in shape and markings; some are bright and full of color, while others are drab and dreary, serving as a neccessary backdrop to the revealed glory by its side.
Do you trust your Puzzle-Working God? In other words, do you undoubtedly believe that God knows best in both the timing and the order of your days? Or, do you find yourself becoming impatient, wanting to yank the "puzzle pieces" from His hand and do life yourself? Be careful, the bible teaches that there will be consequences to this method. Think of Sarai, Abram's wife, who decided to take matters into her own hands in order to fulfill God's promise of bearing a son (Genesis 16).
Do you find joy in your Puzzle-Working God? Or are you upset with Him because your picture is not the one you would have picked for yourself? The bible speaks of this as well in the Potter/Clay analogy: You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing?" (Isaiah 29:16). I know there have been specific times in my life when I have had to beg the Lord to change my embittered clinched fists to joyful hands of praise... and He gracefully answers my repentant prayers.I encourage you to rest your impatient hands and your questioning heart in a God who is fully trustworthy and entirely faithful--even in the drab and dreary times of your life! These pieces, too, are a significant and irreplacable part of your beautiful picture. God promises hope and contentment in His word when you just can't see or understand what He is up to in your days. There is no challenge too difficult or no project too confusing for this Grand Puzzle-Worker. He longs to willingly and winsomely create your life's portrait, piece by piece, peace by peace.
art by: Celia VanMaarthSome of you are already aware of the March to the Cross on-line devotional study, but some are not, so I wanted to let you know...
I am a co-leader of a closed Facebook group called Soul Sisters. Our purpose is to encourage women in God's word and prayer. We have just started a scripture based study called MARCH TO THE CROSS: A JOURNEY WITH JESUS.
The study runs from March 1- April 1, Easter Sunday.
All you need is your Bible and journal.
Devotional posts will be provided M-F and Easter weekend.
If you are interested in joining Soul Sisters to be encouraged in God's word with an on-line community of women across the country, here is the link:
We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. I John 4:14
This year, I felt lead to read through the Bible. It may take me longer than a year, but I started at Genesis 1 and am slowly working my way through the living pages.A verse that has been stuck in my mind for weeks now is this: ...Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it (Genesis 4:7). I recently learned that the word crouching in this verse is much like that of a roaring lion. These words were spoken by the Lord to Cain, who was angry because the Lord accepted Abel's sacrifice and not his own. God graciously came to Cain and gave him a warning to repent and do what was right, but he ignored it. In the very next verse, Cain lead his brother Abel out into a field and killed him. Sin, because it was not mastered, had entered through the door. In this case, sin was: anger, jealousy, then murder.In contrast, I can't help but think of another scripture reference to Someone knocking at the door. Revelation 3:20 says: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Ahhh, the Master Jesus is knocking, the Prince of Peace, the Comforter, the Helper, the Encourager, the Overcomer. When He enters, a trustworthy and caring relationship enters with Him. This Master is the only Master that can master sin. No one can overcome sin alone.
So the way I see it, two are knocking, but only one can enter. When temptation comes (not if temptation comes, but when), will I let my enemy enter in "and dine with me"? Or, will I let the Master who conquered sin come in? I have a choice every time there is a knock, every time there is a temptation in thought, word, or deed. Who will I allow to invade my mind and heart, the spirit of sin, or the Holy Spirit that helps me conquer it?What about you, my friend? When temptation comes, who will you choose to cross the threshold of your heart? One brings havoc; he is the adversary that prowls around like aroaring lion seeking to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The other brings peace, and He eagerly waits to do His marvelous work. Let's both choose the right One."Please Lord Jesus, help me to choose You! When the spirit of fear, discouragement, pride, anger, or deception comes knocking, help me also to hear Your knock as well. Your knock is inviting me toward Your love, the other is only luring me further away. Please come in; invade me with Your holy presence. I need your Spirit to overcome the temptation of my flesh, and I need your Truth to conquer the way of the Deceiver. Yes, come in, dine with me today, Lord Jesus, my Savior, my Master." Amen.No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and detest the other. Matthew 6:24
For years now, I have joined in with many others who have started the New Year with a selected word to claim for the next 12 months. For me personally, this word is not necessarily humanly picked; rather, through thoughtful prayer, I feel as if it is divinely planted. Eventually, at some point, the word just comes to me, and my heart knows, "this is it."
I encourage you to think and pray about a word for the year. Allow the Lord to speak to your heart. One friend of mine has chosen the word "good". Another friend has chosen the word "listen". I have yet another friend who has a pottery painting party for many, so that these differing choice words can be painted on cups, vases, or plates to claim, celebrate, and remember all year long.
In 2016, my word for the year was "bend" (bend to listen intently, bend to know Christ more). I wasn't completely sure of what all the Lord was going to teach me with this word, but He already knew full well. It turns out in March of that year, I was asked to go through a 40 day prayer journey with a group of women. The author of the prayer guide suggested that I start and end the day on my knees. Because of the humbling benefits of "bending" in this way, I have kept the practice ever since.
In 2017, my word for the year was "pursue" (pursue Christ, pursue others for Christ with my giftings). Again, I experienced the unfolding of this word all year long in God's creative ways. One example is that in September of 2017, my husband Mac and I were asked to do a couples Bible Study with Bill and Terri Howard, who are the founders of none other that PURSUE Ministries. God indeed has a plan!
In 2018, for some reason, and at this point only God knows fully why, my word is "forward" (forward with His plans, forward march with His ministry). What will this year unfold pertaining to this word as I seek, trust, and obey Him? Today, I do not know, but I certainly look "forward" to what He has had planned from the beginning.
Seek His Word first, and let Him guide your heart. Ask Him to divinely plant a word in you; then wait and listen.
And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21
Are you looking for a Christmas Devotional for yourself, personally, or for your family?
I invite you to readWho Is this Jesus? And Why Did He Come? This bookletis a simple, consice 25-day devotional, starting on December 1st, that will point you and your family to the heart of the Christmas Season: JESUS…Who HE IS, and Why HE CAME. Each day holds one truth to ponder in order to keep your Savior on the forefront of your mind and in the center of this season.
Check out this FREE ON-LINE devotional on my the picture of the devotional cover on the sidebar and click.)
May you and your family be blessed as you choose to cultivate a heart of worship this season for the King of kings, the Lord of lords, our Immanuel.
With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
Dear Lord,
There is no one wiser than you, no one stronger than you, no one more knowledgable than you, and no one with more understanding. Why then, would we turn elsewhere for help? Give us hearts that seek you first, O God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.