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When we think of God's love, we tend to define it with human parameters by using personal relationships we have known and experienced. The thing is, even the best relationships have flaws. The good news it that God's love is perfect and it is beyond what we can ever humanly comprehend.The apostle Paul prays, "(I ask that) Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fulness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)After studying the breath and length and height and depth of God's love in Scripture, my "human box definition" of His love was blown wide open. Here is the measure of God's love for you and for me:
God's love is the stimulus that created the world.
God's love is the motive in which Jesus came to the world.
God's love is the reason that Jesus gave up His life on the cross.
God's love is the authority in which Jesus was raised from the dead.
Gods love is the means in which His Spirit was poured into our hearts.
God's love is the fuel that turns our faith into action.
God's love is the inspiration that compels US to love like Him.
God's love is the incentive in which Jesus will come back for us.
God's love is the perfect heartbeat that we will obtain forever.
This is the love that surpasses knowledge. It may not be comprehensible, but it is receivable. It might be beyond our human knowledge, but it is not beyond our hearts of faith. When received, His love makes every heart both colorful and purposeful.Believe that you are loved by God in Christ Jesus, my friend! Actually, believe that you are beyond loved.(The photo above was taken at Soul Sisters Retreat, where we all experienced God's love in a powerful way!)
I'm not sure why, but early this morning as I was sipping my coffee quietly, an out-of-the-blue question came to my mind: "What's the benefit of being a Christian?" Within 10 seconds, I came up with 5 reasons why I have chosen, by grace, to walk this daily path.
Read and rest in these truths with me:
Benefit 1: I have a place to "put my junk." So much of the time, the things I think, say, or do are just plain wrong, and I know it. The cross of Christ is the place I can pour out my mess, and then walk away clean. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
Benefit 2: I have a Wise Counselor. And, boy, do I need Him! The wonderful thing about Jesus is: He's always available, He's always right, and He's always free. Truly, His Word is flawless. With Him are wisdom and might; to Him belong counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
Benefit 3: I have a bigger purpose than myself. God wants more for me than this culture's unending, life-draining rat race. Instead, He desires to fill me with His incomprehensible love, and then in turn, He asks me to pour it out all over others. THIS is the true, adventurous, fulfilling life! Get yourself up on a high mountain... bearer of good news. Lift your voice mightily… bearer of good news; lift it up, do not fear. Say to (the people), "Here is your God!" Isaiah 40:9
Benefit 4: I have hope. When, not if, but when, life doesn't make sense, I can trust that God knows what He is doing. If I allow Him to work, then my trials can become the fertile soil of His blossoming glory so those around me will marvel and wonder why I have inexplicable strength, peace, and even joy. Now may the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Benefit 5: I am going to live forever. This life is a passing vapor compared to what is ahead for those who call Jesus Savior and Lord. For those who doubt eternal life, let me ask you this: If even man desires to end most of our entertainment with a "happily ever after" closure, why would God, creator of man, end life with disease, death, and decay? No, He is a much more redemptive Author than that! Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you. I Peter 1:3-4
Believer or non-believer, ponder these God-breathed blessings and then consider agreeing with each one with a praising shout, "Amen!" Yes, today and tomorrow and forever, let us all rejoice in His rich benefits.
Culture has given the biblical phrase “wives respect your husbands” a negative connotation. We have been told that if we don’t fight for the leadership position, then we are in the “lesser than” role.Depreciating one’s identity is not what God intended for wives AT ALL, so this kind of “respect” is not what I am talking about in this post. I’m referring to God’s best way for both husband and wife to receive what they long for most from each other. God knows women desire LOVE and men want RESPECT. He designed husband and wife to give them to each other. Love and respect hold hands.Over the years of my marriage, which has certainly had its ups and downs, I have learned that respecting my husband Mac has opened the door for him to love me. Some characteristics of respect are: listening to him, praying for him, encouraging him, not shaming him, and following him. These choice actions soften his heart toward me. When I have had a willing spirit to follow him, he in turn asks me what I think about an important decision. The opposite is also true, if I’m snappy with my words and stubborn with my plans, things don’t go well for either of us.I have not lost my identity over these three decades. Actually, Mac has helped me learn to “fly” in ways I never would have on my own. (See my 2 minute video, Tip #9, about this on my Facebook page at Respite for the Weary.Wives, I encourage you to respect your husbands in the way that God is talking about in His word. When you do this, you are giving him the best opportunity to love you. Turn the knob of respect to open the door of his heart. In doing so, the two of you will hold hands as you walk through life together.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16
The verse above is a familiar one to many of us when referring to prayer. It encourages us to pray often and effectively, and because we are declared righteous in Christ, we can lift up our requests with boldness. The passage that follows James 5:16 speaks of Elijah, who prayed for the rain to stop (and it did) and then three and a half years later, he prayed for the rain to start (and it did). Now that’s effective praying! Also, the above verse was penned through James, the half-brother of Jesus. It is said that one of his nicknames was “Camel knees” because he developed callouses on his knees from hours he devoted to daily prayer. These two men of God, Elijah and James, would want us to know the Lord the way they knew Him, both personally and powerfully through prayer.
After thinking about the above verse, I made a broad list of how prayer has accomplished much in my own life. These are things I have learned over the years in my growing walk with the Lord:
What about you? How has effectual prayer accomplished much in your life? Make a list and thank Him for the privilege of having access to Him at all times concerning all things. Lift your requests and receive all the benefits.
Pray much and accomplish much...every day.
Dear Lord,
Prayer is an unending gift! Thank You! May we talk to You morning, noon, and night. Accomplish much in us and through us as we humbly lift our praise and petitions to You. Amen.
Hi Readers,I wanted to let you know that I am doing a short video series called "Two Minute Tips to Encourage a Lifelong Marriage". Check it out by clicking on the Facebook emblem at the top of this page.I knew very little about what I was getting into when I said "I do" almost three decades ago. I thought the bride just rode off into the sunset with her Prince Charming and lived happily ever after. Goodness, I had a lot to learn! These lessons are some of what the Lord has taught me throughout my marriage journey to my husband Mac.No matter what year or decade, all marriages need encouragement to stay the course. Healthy daily choices lead to long-lasting relationships. I pray these tips will be a blessing.In His love,Chris
My friend and decorator Madelaine Singleton and I have put together seasonal wreaths that bear spiritual significance. Feel free to take a look at these on my website: Holiday Wreath of Hope, Winter Wreath of Peace, and Spring Wreath of Grace. Now, we would like to present the Summer Wreath of Life. Each of its elements has a deeper meaning so that when you hang it in your choice spot, it speaks Truth.
Grab your four creative elements. Make a wreath with some friends this summer. Celebrate together the LIFE that Christ brings to us. Then hang it in a place where you and others can be blessed by its beauty and its meaning.The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
Dear Lord,
There is no one wiser than you, no one stronger than you, no one more knowledgable than you, and no one with more understanding. Why then, would we turn elsewhere for help? Give us hearts that seek you first, O God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.