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I want to share a post I wrote for an on-line ministry called Soul Sisters. If you think you would like this type of a daily devotional and a community of women of faith, I invite you to join us:, March 18God of WondersOh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; speak of all His wonders. 1 Chronicles 16:8-9Heartbeat of God, page 155In our header verse God gives us some instructions to follow concerning His wonderful works:we are to give thanks,we are to call upon His name,we are to make known His deeds,we are to sing praises, andwe are to speak of all His wonders.Today, let's simply obey His word. Instead of allowing our minds to enter into and dwell on this current world-wide panic, let's stop and refocus our gaze on the Lord. What are things in His creation (or in your own personal life) that you consider a wonderful work of God? The list is limitless for both of us. Here are a few topics to get your mind going:a wonder in His vast creationa wonder in a miraculous healinga wonder in a "chance" meetinga wonder in a person's unique giftinga wonder in a new believer.After lots of thinking, I have picked the wonder of God's...sunrise.Since the beginning of creation, the sun has "risen in the east and set in the west." The radiance and consistency of God's sun declares His beautiful faithfulness on the behalf of His people.The thing is, when we stop and consider the wonders in His world, it will all too often leads us to think about the wonders in His word. For example, the rising of the sun helps me to remember the rising of the Son! Jesus broke through the darkest of dark and He consistently brings light to my sometimes very weary soul each new day--now that is a wonder all on it's own!Today, let's refix our gaze. Let's turn from diseased-ridden thoughts to God of Wonder praise. Pick something to speak or sing about and make it known to us on Soul Sisters or to a friend face to face. What in God's world amazes you? Or, has He performed a "wonder" in your life that you can share with thanksgiving? Who knows, our voluntary praise to the God-who-is-in-control may just be a contributing factor in snuffing out the evil in this world.So friends, allow the Son to rise today... through you.For further reading: Lamentations 3:22-24; Psalm 33:6-9; Job 37:14; Psalm 1:3; Philippians 2:15; Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 111:2-4God, You are the God of Wonders. You are wonderful in Your works and You are wonderful in Your word! Show us how these two things intermingle so that Your creation speaks truths to our hearts. Awaken our sleepy eyes to the things around us that are truly amazing. Stir our forgetful minds to remember marvelous things You have done for us in our personal lives. As a result, may we each praise You with a new song in our soul. Great are You Lord! Amen.
I want to extend a welcome invitation to each of you to a retreat that I will be speaking at the first weekend in April. It is called Restore Moms Retreat and it is open to any mom of any age. (That means grandmothers are invited too!).Here are more details from Lisa Samford, the founder of Restore Moms:"Restore is a Christian moms retreat, founded on Matthew 11:28, 'Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.' The goal of the 3 day retreat is to help moms find restoration through Jesus and community with other moms."All inclusive: Meals, lodging, worship, guest speakers, play and relaxation for only $250.
Main Speaker: Chris Baxter
Event Dates: Friday, April 3 (4pm) through Sunday, April 5 (noon)
Event Location: Camp Garner Creek/ 700 Sam Hollow Rd/ Dickson TN 37055
Register today:
I hope to see some of you in April!
My daughter Maggie is due with her first baby any day now. Her sister Emmy came to Chicago for a few days, hoping to be present for the birth, but little Hally Christine isn't quite ready to make her grand appearance... yet.We're all waiting.Waiting is hard, isn't it? I know we all have had circumstances that have brought us to crying out, "I want it NOW!" (whatever it is). This is the thing, while we are waiting for something, we are also waiting with something, and we get to choose what that something is. For example, we can be:waiting with expectancywaiting with frustrationwaiting with hopewaiting with impatiencewaiting with joywaiting with despair.As you are waiting for something, what are you waiting with? Today, as I am waiting for the birth of my first grandchild, I want to wait with expectancy, with hope, and with joy. Just like a little embryo takes time to develop and grow before her right time to enter the world, our faith also has to mature before we receive what we are longing for. It's important to remember that while we are waiting, two things are happening: we are growing in our dependence on the Lord AND God is working out His best plans for each one of us.So, while you are waiting for something, allow God to teach you about Himself. Learn to trust Him more. Believe He is at work. Wait choose. And then, at the divinely appointed time, God will birth exactly what He knows is best for you.Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Psalm 33:20-21In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3
Not too long ago, I came across one of my favorite Bible stories. It's found in 2 Chronicles 20:1-22. I encourage you to take three minutes to read it.To paraphrase, Judah was being attacked on all sides. King Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:3). He called the people of Judah together and lifted up his voice to the Lord in a desperate prayer, saying, O our God...we do not know what to do but our eyes are on you. The earthly problem and then the divine outcome is remarkable.Tucked inside this story is my theme verse for 2020. The verse's meaning and it's reference (chapter 20, verse 20) is what led me to claim it:... Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets and you will succeed. 2 Chronicles 20:20.These words were powerfully spoken to God's people thousands of years ago, and they are just as alive today. We are called to put our full faith in the Lord our God; and we are called to believe in His word. (Back then God spoke through His prophets; today, He speaks to us through His Son, who is the Word--see Hebrews 1:10). When we do these two things and act on them in faith, we are promised two things: we will be established and we will succeed.So on January 1 and February 17 and April 28 and June 7 and August 22 and October 15 and December 11 and every day in between and after that, remember these two simple things: believe God; believe His word. If you truly believe in both the power and the love of God, you will then truly believe in the Words; therefore, the next logical step is to obey Him wholeheartedly. And just like King Jehoshaphat and his people were rewarded back then, you will be blessed in ways you would not have imagined...all because you lived out your faith.Spiritual "2020 vision" is believing God, and believing His word. Let's look forward to being established and succeeding this year as we live out our faith moment by moment.
My interior decorator friend Madelaine and I have another wreath to add to our seasonal collection. All of these wreaths, Holiday Wreath of Hope, Winter Wreath of Peace, Spring Wreath of Grace, and Summer Wreath of Life, bear a spiritual significance to their intentional elements. Here is the Fall Wreath of Thankfulness:
We have much to be thankful for this season, and ALWAYS. The Lord Jesus fills our emptiness with His love! He teaches us through His word! He takes away our sin! He gives us His glory!Let's pass this truth along so others can join in this beautiful cycle of Life. Make a Fall Wreath of Thankfulness with a friend. Hang it on your door, and share its meaning to all those who enter your home. Rejoice in His abundant goodness.
My feelings cannot be trusted. One day I'm skipping along without a worry in the world; then the very next day, I might be carrying the weight of this world on my shoulders. Things that sway my emotions range from fatigue, hormones, outside circumstances, inner wrestlings, discouragement in the present, or fear of the future. If I operated from these feelings, I know I wouldn't be writing to you right now.By God's grace and patience, He has kindly grown me in His word, and for that I am grateful. Over time, meaning years of slow maturing, He has taught me to daily rely more on the FILLING of His word rather than the FEELING of my emotions. I'm getting stronger in this practice--mainly because I've had to practice it often! I am learning to not only fill up with His truth but also to claim it AS TRUTH, no matter how I feel at the moment.For example, I tend to deal with fear and discouragement that can easily spiral into a depressed spirit. UGH, it's like walking in thick fog sometimes; let me say UGH again! BUT, in this unpleasant place I am learning to speak promises that God has made to me in His word. The specific growth spurt I have had recently is that I am claiming these truths with more UMPH than I have in my past. God's word is true, and my feelings can be so very false. So, UMPH over UGH is my goal each time the fog sets in!"He lights my lamp; He illumines my darkness" (Psalm 18:28). One of my life verses is this: "Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be be dismayed; for the Lord God, my God is with you; He will not fail you nor forsake you..." (1 Chronicles 28:20). To put this to this filling- rather-than-feeling strategy to practice, I say something like, "God I may not feel You right now, but You promise that YOU ARE WITH ME, so I trust You to be here right this second." Or I might say, "God, I feel like You have walked out of this situation. I know that You promise me that YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME NOR FORSAKE ME, so I trust that You are standing right here by my side. I'm leaning into Your strong support." No matter how I feel, no matter if my circumstances change or not, I'm determined, by faith, to stand steady in His strength, allowing the light of His word to fill my dark places--even if the dark stays dark in the realm of my emotions. My feelings may not change, but my mindset has been filled with His light.I'm still in the learning process, but I'm grateful for the growth thus far. I know that I will have the opportunity to battle again and again. I need Him, and He promises to hold my hand and walk by my side in the highs and lows, and in the sunshine and in the fog of my days. I believe and rely on this truth. Filling not feeling, it's a Way of Life. <>"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"(Romans 15:13).
If a man dies shall he live again? Job 14:14
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for the promise of eternal life. You tell us this in your word: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11:25). The hope you give us is for today, tomorrow, and forever. In your Name, Amen.